Chapter Four

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"Riley?" Hermione places a hand on my shoulder, "would you like to join us to Hogsmeade?"


"Ginny and I... we're headed to Hogsmeade, just to talk about some wedding things," she smiles, "I would ask Angelina and Fleur, but they'd have to bring the kids I'm sure... and..."

I chuckle softly, "yeah, I get it." I pause, pondering for a moment. "Yeah, sure, I'll go." I have to pretend to actually be interested in this family and the wedding and what not... I guess this is the best way.

"Brilliant!" She smiles brighter, "I'll let Ginny know. Be ready in, say, 20 minutes?"

I nod, and she hurries off.

I take a deep breath and lean over the counter over my mug of tea. The steam opening my pores and making me feel relieved of stress overall.

"What's in it for you?" I look up to see Bill leaned against the counter beside me, baby Dominique cradled in one arm, his tea in the other hand. I blink a few times before he sighs and continues, "why are you pretending to be in love with my brother?"

"I'm not--"

"Don't." He chuckles, "I'm not going to blow you in, Mums crazy. I just want to know how he got you to do it." He laughs, "you're Riley Lestrange. You don't take shit from anyone, and yet here you are. Supposedly letting your walls down and being all mushy."

I sigh, opening my mouth to retort with exactly what I was getting out of it. Then stop. What was I getting out of it? Nothing.

"I'm... I'm not getting anything out of it." I answer, "we met in... we just bumped into eachother," I'd promised to keep his American secret, "and he asked me to come... and uh... here I am."

"And here you are," he shakes his head, laughing.

I shrug, rolling my eyes.

"Mum always wanted Charlie to end up with Tonks..." he chuckles, "maybe you're just as good."

"I'll never be Tonks." I hiss.

"No.. no no.... that's not--"

"Just stop... I'm going out with Ginny and Hermione. I've got to be getting ready now." I turn sharply on my heel and go back upstairs.

"Riley, will you play with us again?" Little Victoire stops me in the hallway, tiny Roxanne trailing behind slightly- but also carrying that puppydog gaze.

"Sorry girls, I'm busy today... another day, Okay?"

They, though clearly sad, take the news well and scurry off to play.

I hear Bill starting to say something but it doesn't matter, I quickly make my exit and find myself upstairs shuffling through all of my belongings for a decent outfit. Most of my clothes are rough looking... not soft and mushy family outing worthy.

"What are you doing?" Charlie comes into the room wearing a towel, clearly having just showered. He grabs a second towel to dry his hair.

"I'm going out with Hermione and Ginny... I need something decent to wear." I sigh, close to just giving up and changing my mind about this whole thing.

"Wear whatever you want... it's just Ginny and Mione." He chuckles, stepping into another section of the room to change.

"What if they hate me then? We're supposed to just put up with your family hating me forever?"

"After this wedding... we don't have to deal with it again." He steps into my view, now fully dressed. "Don't worry about it, yeah?"

"Yeah... okay..." I settle on a pair of black pants and a plain green top. "Yeah?"

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