Chapter Five

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"Who's in the wedding?" I ask, trying to keep up with Hermione and Ginny's chatter. "Who's walking who down the aisle?"

"My brothers," Ginny answers, "each with their significant other," she pauses for a moment, "except Charlie will be walking with Luna... sorry..."

"Don't apologize," I laugh lightly, "we met basically yesterday, I wasn't expecting to be part of the wedding."

Ginny's face lightens up, it seems she really was frightened by what my reaction was going to be. "I was going to do wedding party at the head table... but I think it should just be Harry and I, instead."

"You could have Ronald and I up there, if you'd like..." Hermione suggests, "maid of honor and best man."

"Hm... not a bad idea..." Ginny jots down a few notes.

"I think it should just be the two of you..." I say, "I think it would look better... either the whole wedding party, or just the bride and groom."

"Yeah... maybe it would look a little strange," she wrinkles her nose, "plus it would look nice in photographs."

I smile, proud of myself for properly being involved. It was a big step for me, really.

"Riley, Riley!" My sweet boy was running up to me from the garden, initially I assumed he was excited, but as he got closer I saw the tears, "Riley, I fell!" He collapsed into my arms, he knee trickling blood. "Fix it?"

I smile softly, and nod. "Yeah bud, lets go in the washroom and get you cleaned up."

"Oh, I can just—" Ginny had her wand out to repair his knee magically.

"No!" Teddy answered quickly, clinging to my leg, "Riley fixes it like my Mama." He was still sniffling, and was looking up at me with big eyes, "right, Ri?"

I nod and hum in agreement, pushing his dark blue hair out of his face. "But, you know, sometimes it's okay to fix it quick..."

He shakes his head.

"Okay, lets get you cleaned up then," I scoop him up to bring him in.

"Do you mind if I..." Ginny stands, "if I come? See what he likes?"

"Of course!" I nod. "It's nothing special, at all..." She nods and follows us in. I set Teddy on the counter and rummage in the medicine cabinet for a cloth and a bandaid. "Hmm, it doesn't look like Molly has any... we'll have to get some of mine." I carry him up to our room and set him on the bed. I get the wipe and a bandaid from my dresser.

Ginny watches with confusion as I simply clean him up. "This is how Tonks would have done it?" She questions. I nod without talking. I lean down and kiss his knee around the cut part, then put the bandaid on.

"All better, kiddo!"

He jumps up, his face all smiles again. He tosses his arms around me and kisses me on the cheek. "Thanks Riley!" He looks at me in the face, "I miss you... can you come home soon?"

I sigh, "maybe buddy, I'm... I have some work to do out of town."

He nods, "fighting monsters and dragons?"

I chuckle, "yeah, something like that." I send him out to play while I clean up.

"Why is that—"

"Dori- Tonks- was clumsy, she always made a mess of herself," I chuckle, "but she didn't mind. Bumps and bruises toughen you up she'd say, sometimes she'd make it even worse by trying to use magic. So, we invested in bandaids and alcohol wipes and Neosporin." I laugh at the fond memories, "whenever we had a superficial booboo, we'd fix it her way. I started doing it with Ted when he was little, it started off as a way for me to talk to him about her... but he really latched on to that specific thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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