Chapter Five

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Chapter FiveFate or Coincidence

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Chapter Five
Fate or Coincidence

Shifting shadows danced in the flames that surrounded me. Voices pleaded for their lives while others reached through with worry for my own well-being. I lay motionless, tied down tightly with ropes and chains to a mast in the fiery field. Rope burn seared into the flesh of my wrists and ankles. I jerk my head to loosen the rope around my neck but can't seem to free myself to peer over my shoulder. The heat is licking at my feet as the ever-growing circle of hell inches forth. It is inching toward me as it destroys the grass and panic envelops me.

Screams surround me now. I close my eyes and beg for mercy. I hear only one grotesque, monstrous grainy voice.

"You will beg on your knees for mercy at my feet. Soon." That chill ran deep into my spine while my skin blistered under the immense heat, the flames painfully licked my flesh.

I sat up from my bed, and while I panicked, I couldn't find my breath again. Gasping for air, a cold air surrounded me, I tasted the smoke deep inside my chest. Fear engulfed the space around me; I kicked off the covers and stood in the dim light of the bedroom.

"Get it together." I mumbled and rubbed my eyes. It was a dream, it was nothing.

"Katherine?" Startled, I jumped at the sound of the voice that came. I turned to see Eric entering the room.

I brushed my hair out of my face and willed my heart to pace itself, "Yes?"

He flipped the light switch and the room lit up brightly. I squinted to adjust and sighed as Eric stepped closer, "Bad dreams?"

Eric wasn't in armor this time. He was dressed comfortably in cargo pants and a thick, dark shirt. It was intoxicating to actually see more of him. Surprisingly, he was more fit than I anticipated and redness creeped down my ears to my cheeks.

"Yeah, something like that." I chuckled, rubbing my neck, "It felt more like I was at the mercy of Freddy Krueger." A dry laugh escaped my hollow chest and I stared downward for a moment, flopped back onto the bed with a huff, "It doesn't matter. Is Joanna back?"

Eric didn't seem convinced, "No, she should be back in an hour or so. Since you're up, I thought we'd get some food for you until she returns."

"That sounds fantastic." Relief washed over me, food was welcome compared to the roughness in my lungs and barren stomach. "Maybe you can tell me more truths in the meanwhile."

"Perhaps." Eric nodded his head, his eyes darted to my hands. He avoided my gaze, "I shall be interested to see how you handle yourself."

Not deigning a response necessary, I slipped on the boots at the edge of the bed. I stood and brushed through my tangled hair with my fingers. Eric watched me intently and desperately attempted to hide it. It was beginning to feel comforting which didn't sit right with me at first. The stares and gazes truly echoed protection and admiration more than fear and creepiness. But I should probably be worried about that. He is one of my kidnappers after all. It's Stockholm's syndrome waiting to happen or already taking effect.

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