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Third person POV
When Harry first saw Louis, it was on a stage with a bunch of people cheering for him.
Fourteen year old Harry was awestruck, this boy in front of him sing like an angel. From his wind swept hair to his bright baby blue eyes, Harry couldn't find a single fault. Louis looked around the audience as he sang softly into the mike, he was the lead singer of his band, The Rogue.
Harry's band stood behind, two of his friends calling Louis a 'bad singer'. It was obvious they were jealous, they were at the battle of bands convention. Harry's band was nothing compared Louis' voice alone. At least, that's what Harry thought.
As Louis exited the stage, he bowed and thanked everyone. Even looking at Harry and slightly winking at him. (No, Harry was totally not lovesick by then, nope. Not at all.)
And if Harry cried slightly when he went home because no one would be as perfect as Louis, then, well no one had to know.

The second time Harry saw Louis, it was at X-factor toilets, and no Harry was still not over him. It took Harry about a second to realise the beautiful boy washing his hands next to him was the same beauty from two years ago. His jaw hit the floor when green eyes met blue. Louis just smiled before hugging him and wishing him good luck.
Harry audition went great so did Louis'. Each day Harry would fall more for Louis as the shy boy opened up. His antics made Harry love him more. He was so gone.
Then on 23 July, when Harry thought it was finally over. The dream had gotten stale and there was nothing left to do. By some god sent miracle, Harry was put into a band. The best part? Louis was in it.
Just as Simon gave them the green light to go on as a band, Louis leapt into Harry's arms. With Harry's face buried in his Louis' hair, it was pure bliss. Harry wanted it to be like that forever.
But all good things come to an end, by the time Harry had managed to muster up the courage to ask Louis out, Zayn had already done it. So you can imagine the sadness and shock on Harry's face when Zayn and Louis came out of the room, Zayn's arm wrapped around Louis' waist and Louis giggling slightly. The other boys (Niall and Liam) accepted them happily, while Harry put on a fake smile for Louis' sake.
Louis was happy and Harry was happy as long as the caramel-haired lad was happy.
Those were the fetus days, the good times.

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