"I just received a memo from one my undercover agents that someone is planning to infiltrate one of my facilities to steal some of our data. According to my sources, they are planning to do so tonight. I need you guys to aid the security there."

"No problem, Mr Davenport," I reassured. "Did your sources say what they're intending to steal?"

"No, but it's the same facility where I keep everything there is to know about bionic human research. It's crucial that I need you guys to be on high alert, do you understand?"

"Loud and clear, Mr Davenport," said Adam confidently.

Adam quickly lowered his head whispered, "What are we supposed to do again?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'll tell you on the way."

We quickly got into our capsules, changed into our mission suits and grabbed our gear.

"I'll be live the whole time through these," said Mr Davenport, handing over our communication devices. "Report anything suspicious immediately."

We nodded and briskly left the lab.

"Hey, do you think Bree would be mad at you for ditching her back there?" Leo asked as we were packing our gear onto our bikes.

"Why would she be mad?"

"Well, you didn't exactly give her a proper explanation as to why you had to leave school early. Plus, Adam's dumb excuse just made her even more suspicious."

"I thought it was a pretty good one," Adam thought. "It was probably the fastest I've ever thought."

"Well, maybe you should think slower."

I let out a sigh. "It doesn't matter now. Let's just focus on the mission."


"It doesn't seem like there's any suspicious activity here, Mr Davenport," I informed him through our communications device.

"Same here," announced Adam.

"All's clear here too," Leo responded.

"I'll do a thermal scan within the vicinity just to make sure," I suggested.

"Good idea Chase. I guess there was some mix-up with the information. I'll make a report just in case. You guys can head home once everything is secured."

"That's just great. We just travelled all the way here for nothing," Adam groaned. "You know, I could be having a great bubble bath right now."

"Nobody cares about what you do with your spare time, Adam," Leo pointed out.

"Well, the people who follow my daily blog do," Adam argued, showing us his website on his phone.

"Adam, your blog is set to private. No one is reading your posts."

"Aww, damn it."

"Guys, can we please focus on the situation at hand? Aren't you guys a little suspicious that there's an error with Mr Davenport's sources?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Mr Davenport's undercover agents are trained and professional. Why would they give Mr Davenport information about a data robbery if it wasn't true?"

"Well, maybe the bad guys found out that we were onto them and decided to take a raincheck on the robbery," Leo thought.

"Maybe. Something just doesn't seem right..."

I placed two fingers onto my temple to activate my thermal scan. I quickly surveyed the area and noticed that there were no unknown heat signatures. We did a thorough examination to ensure that the security system was still up and running.

When Two Worlds Collide (A Lab Rats Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin