Constant Destruction

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I was doing just fine few months ago, went to work and enjoy every single piece of it. The first two weeks was a hell but I dont mind, glad that they're still people who caught me when I fall.

Up until a boy from my old school posting a tweet about what happened years ago (ofc it's not a good thing) and people start talking.

I get used to it you know, but to read those cursed and constant blaming broke my heart. I'm not being petty or soft, but have you ever went through depression and such? words hurt more than you accidentally cut your hand. It breaks my heart all over again.

Im trying to be so strong that I wouldn't want this petty little thing makes me feel so down like I'm unworthy or whatever. But reading those spiteful comments, I know where I stand.

Im living quite a peaceful life after I left school and it was good, not so brilliant but I found my solace.

Having these kind of people that constantly wanted to bring me down feels like im putting a brand new sword on my neck waiting to be slaughter if I open my mouth.

To people out there, if yoy have nothing nice to say, dont say anything. Your nothingness will mean a world to somebody else.

I couldn't be more grateful with all the people I have in my life. Who were with me when I'm about to fall apart and too tired to carry on. Thank you for putting a smile on my face when I desperately needed one. God bless all of you.

To those who keep crushing me, I don't know what will do but karma does exist, I won't do anything. So, just wait for yours. Living in misery aint even funny and depression is real.

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