◆ Twenty - Four ◆

Start from the beginning

She remained confused but she ignored it.

Just then, we went to that special place I am saying.

"Isn't this a mini forest? A hill? Why are we here?"
    She asked.

"Yup, cause we are going to do something behind the bushes."
     I answered smirking at her.

She slapped my shoulder slightly and chuckled.

"Jinja, what are we really doing here?"
    She asked again.

"Secret, you'll find out later."
    The path is  kind of dark but I helped her to walk.

Until we reached the place.
I didn't know that everyone would put so much effort in it.

They have putted lanterns on the branches of the trees for lights, there are some waving pieces of papers with different colors hanging on the stems of the trees above us. The table was designed with classic wood color that matches the flowers on the vase on top of it and those matches the dimmed light of the lanters and the assorted color of the waving pieces of papers.

It is so fascinating to see this kind of set up.

"Once again, this place become meaningful now that you're back."
    With fascination and happiness, whilenholding her hand, I spoke.

Then, I looked at her.
She was just glancing on the waving pieces of papers.

"May I sit with you?"
      I asked raising her hand gently.

"Mm? Ne."
    She was confused deeply but she was able to process the event accordingly.

As a gentleman, I lend her a seat.

I sat across her.

"Who-Who exactly did these? I mean, we are both at the...the others? Okay, did the others did hese?"
    She asked gripping on her own hand.

I smiled at her before answering...

"Honestly, I didn't planned all of these nor I didn't asked for help. Jungkook just texted me earlier that they have set something at the top of the hill."
    I informed and smiled again.

    She answered after seconds.

Then, Jungkook walked towards us.
I almost jumped in surprise. He was wearing a waiter's uniform.

"Good Evening, what would you like to eat? Here's the menu."
    Jungkook smiled at us and gave us the menu before filling wine at the glasses.

"Chateu Lateur wine, ma'am and sir."
    Jennie looked at Jungkook blankly but she didn't bother asking.

"What do you want, Jennie?"
    I asked.

"I want...anything."
    Her tone was serious yet she formed a smile as she answered me.

"Then, just give us the best you can give."
     I winked at Jungkook and he nodded with a smile.

"Why are they exactly doing these? Where are the others? Won't they joining us? Where they are hiding? "
    She asked three questions in thrity seconds and that made me laugh.

"I don't know either. All I know is that, I'm with you. Would you drink the glass with me?"
     I politely asked while rising the glass of wine.

"I know you're not drinking but...this will be the first time we're going to drink together."
     I added with a smile.

She raised he glass like a rich heir of a conpany toasing with her future husband....

Lost Memories (Taehyung X Jennie) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now