Thomas: A Compromise

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My first mistake was not following Brenda out of the damn coffee shop.

My second mistake was letting the Flare Testers see me.

The guy, the one who looked like he was on Bliss was being pinned to the ground, fighting against the two trying to immobilize him. "Stop! Let go of me!" He shouted but there was no way they were going to do that. "Why are you doing this!" He shouted.

"As if you don't know!" A women snapped. "You're infected you piece of shit. Now stay still!"

"There's no point in struggling, they're already coming."

"I didn't know!" The man pleaded. "How was I supposed to know?" The Flare Testers laughed, it sounded weird and ominous through their masks.

"Bliss is the most expensive drug on the market. Nobody takes it just for kicks." The man struggling under the grips of the people holding him down.

"I like the way it feels!" He argued lamely.

"Hey, kid what the hell are you doing here?" A voice demanded, startling me. He was big and beefy looking, broad shoulders and chest and a scowl on his face. "You got some sort of freaking death wish?" I shake my head slowly, glancing over at the guy on the floor.

"I'm immune. I just.." I stopped. I didn't really have a good excuse as to why I had stayed. I couldn't say I wanted to watch what happened because that was just crazy but I was curious. "I don't know.. I knew I couldn't die from it." The guy scoffed and pulled his gun out on me, I stepped back.

"Who is he?" One of the guys asked.

"He claims to be a Munie. Bring the tester over here."

"I swear I'm immune." I told them. "I came to the city two days ago. They wouldn't have let me in if I wasn't." The guy forced me down into a chair as someone brought over the portable Flare Tester device. It looked just like the big machine we had encountered upon arriving here just more compact.

"Well if you're a Munie then you have nothing to fuckin fear." I sighed and let them put me through the test. The guy operating the device nodded to the man still pointing his gun at me before walking away.

"Told you." Red Shirt scoffed and put his gun away.

"I really hate you Munies. Why the hell did you stick around kid? Wanted to watch the freaking show?" He demanded. I shrugged,d not knowing what to say.

"Hold still!" The women shouted at the man on the ground. She seemed to be holding a gun to his head. "If you don't stop struggling you'll loose something." She snapped at him. Loose something? What did she mean. The man stopped struggling and she fired the gun but instead of a bullet going through his head, a blue gel like liquid poured out of it and began to stretch down the length of the man. 

"No!" He screamed but the sound was cut off as the gel covered his mouth and neck and moved down his chest. What was happening to him? Were they killing him? Could he even breathe? The upper half of the mans body was completely stiff but his lower half continued to kick and struggle. One of the Testers held his legs down as the gel made its way to his shoes. Eventually, he was completely motionless.

"How'd you like that?" The man asked me, pulling off his mask. I guess it was safe for them now.

"Can I go now?" I asked.

"No, you're not going anywhere." He pulled out his gun again and I had to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Just let the kid go." The other Testers said as a large van pulled up outside. They picked up the encased man with ease and began to take him outside. I glanced towards the windows but they used something to darken the tint, putting up quarantine signs. I swallowed hard as the man refused to put his gun down.

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