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"Brenda." I shout over the blaring alarms, stripping off my coat. "We won't get far without more weapons. She laughs a little, glancing back at everyone following us.

"Where do you think I'm headed?"

"The long way around." I mutter as we barrel around a corner.

"Well if we take the quickest route, guards will intercept us quicker." She had a point. Besides, this part of the facility had the most rooms with multiple doors to escape through. Someone yanked on my arm and I skid to a halt.

"What the hell is going on?" Minho demanded. Brenda stopped, just before rounding a corner, seeing as I was pulled away from her and everyone else had paused in the hallway to hear my answer.

"Honestly, I have no fuckin idea. I just copied Brenda, like she told me to." Everyone looked up towards the dark haired girl who was rolling her eyes a little.

"Yes and you copied me brilliantly Malls, now let's go. Jorge can pilot a berg to get us the hell out of here."

"Why should we follow you anywhere. How do we know this isn't a variable?" Thomas demanded.

"I know we haven't given you guys much incentive to trust us recently." I said, pulling my arm out of Minho's grasp and straightening out my shirt. "But trust us about this, we don't want to stay here anymore than you do." The hall was quiet, except for the blaring alarm. Raven stepped forward.

"Good enough for me. Let's get the hell out of this dump."

"There they are!" Someone shouted. I heard the unmistakable sound of a Launcher being fired and I slammed into Raven, knocking her to the ground. The silvery grenade hit the wall, releasing electricity and rolled away harmlessly. "Run!" Brenda shouted, firing her own launcher at the two guards who had found us. The three of us scrambled up and took off around the corner that Brenda was standing at.

I zipped around corners and down hallways but I couldn't hear the guards chasing after us so I slowed our pace a little as Brenda ran to catch up with me. "We're going the wrong way." I shake my head.

"No, this is a shortcut! I know these halls better than you do, I grew up here." She hesitated a little but gave in.

"Fine but if we get caught.."

"We won't." And the miraculous thing is, we didn't. The alarms suddenly shut off, five minutes after we escaped the two guards and when they did, Brenda the rest of the group and I, cautiously made our way around the halls of W.I.C.K.E.D. "If someone is waiting for us around one of these corners, we can't just run into them, we have to be smart about this." I hissed to Aris who asked why we were moving so slow all of a sudden.

"But what if they run into us?" Ashoka asked.

"Then hopefully we catch them by surprise." I swiped my keycard into the panel, surprised that it still worked. W.I.C.K.E.D should have known by now that we were trying to escape so why didn't they block my access card?  Brenda had swiped Jansen's card in case ours did fail but so far, nothing.

"I don't like this." Newt complained as our footsteps echoed down the quiet hallway. "Nobody's come after us. Where is the rest of the security?" Everyone looked to Brenda and I for answers.

"This better not be a trick." Minho said with a frown.

"It's not." Brenda said, shaking her head. "I have no idea what's going on right now."

"Why did they shut off the alarm?" Ashoka asked.

"Maybe cause they were sick of hearing it." I replied, though my joking manner didn't seem to ease the tension in their shoulders. After fifteen minutes, we reached the weapons cache. Brenda and I eyed the racks carefully as the rest of the group fanned out, shoving guns into the waistbands of their jeans and grabbing up Launchers. They didn't seem to notice it but Brenda and I did, a lot of the racks were empty.

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