Chapter Six

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Ittoki buried his face in a pillow, smiling idiotically as images flashed in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking of (Y/n) and her hand that he held only a few hours ago. His mind was too flustered to fall asleep, so he spent the next hours giggling silently to himself.

He brought his hand up to rub his tired eyes when he spotted the fading phone number. He sat up with a gasp, realizing he nearly forgot about it. He scrambled to his feet and searched for a piece of paper to jot it down before it rubbed off completely.

He sighed in relief, finally having it down on paper with permanent ink. With that task done, his glossed eyes couldn't help but stare at the seven digits, a stressful question on his mind: Should he call already? - No. It was too soon. They had just parted ways a few hours ago, she needs her rest. He tried his best to resist his temptations.

Ittoki slid himself back under the covers, trying to grasp onto sleep though the thoughts of (y/n) didn't make it easy. He could still hear her voice echoing in his ears.

(Y/n) didn't have much of a restful night either. She pictured Otoya's bright smile over and over again til it stained in her brain. She longed for the feeling of his hand and the sound of his laugh. She longed to seem him again.

Their thoughts of each other raged until the sun rose. With a long day ahead of them, they fought the struggle of getting up so early.

Otoya rushed to the agency and (Y/n) rushed to the orphanage, both to complete their daily work.

The kids kept loosing (Y/n)'s attention, as she nearly dozed off a few times. She finally managed to wake herself up with a hot cup of coffee from the worker lounge. She stared down into it's piping darkness, wondering if she would see her favorite red-head today.

My Happy Heart (Ittoki x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara