Chapter 150: Dance With Me

Start from the beginning

"I really mean it," Ella said, then smirked as she remembered something. "I'm sure Vrael will like it as well."

Amelia's smile went out the window and the strangest expression flashed across her face.

She looked away, hiding her face with her hair for a moment, then gave her a smile.

One that completely masked her feelings.

"He's a good person, so of course he will," she said softly. "He was just as complementary towards Phil,  Adariel, and even Sinmir and Gus. We will be no different."

Ella stared at her.

"You can't mean to tell me you haven't noticed by now," she said flatly. "Amelia, you're the sharpest person among us. Don't feign ignorance with me. I've known you long enough to tell when you're hiding behind a smile, and we both know that cheerful little bugger fancies you."

Amelia's smile dropped and a tormented expression flashed across her face.

"I can't love him back," she said simply. "Not right now. There are things I need to do before I can move away from where my heart is, and I'm not even sure if I can love him even if I do move away. That's why I've decided not to take things further. I'm not ignorant of his feelings."

"When did you pick up on it?" Ella asked, frowning. "And why are you so hesitant? Is it because he's a halfling? Or maybe, he's not your type?"

"I first began to suspect it a little while after we arrived to Calcoon," Amelia told her, letting out a sigh of dismay. "My reasons for distancing myself from him are my own. They are of a... personal nature. First and foremost, however, is that I am still quite afraid of... of men."

Ella froze.

Amelia wasn't looking at her, and she had her arms folded across her chest.

"I'm sorry," Ella said softly, suddenly feeling so guilty that she couldn't stand it. "I won't press any further on this subject, but... be easy on him, okay? He's a sweet boy, and he's been good to all of us during our travels together. Don't hurt him needlessly or lead him along."

Amelia looked at her quickly.

"I no longer blame you for what happened to me," she said. "I've come to terms with it."

Ella felt sick.

"Amelia, you nearly lost your innocence because of me, and in a way, you partially did," she said thickly. "If Olagrell hadn't rescued you... that demon would have---"

"But it didn't," Amelia said, mouth tight. "It didn't, Ella. It almost did, that monster came so close,  I still have nightmares... but it didn't. I am still whole, I still have my innocence. It may have scarred my tongue and damaged my ability to speak, but it didn't manage to rape me."

Ella shuddered.

"Let's head downstairs," she said, turning and walking towards the door. "Tonight, we should just enjoy ourselves and relax. No more thinking on past terrors for the whole evening."

"Agreed," Amelia murmured, following her. "Let us be off."

Ella made her way down the hall and turned, trotting down the stairs. 

The boys were waiting at one of the tables, but when the two of them walked into the room, Xaphile turned, and just like that, all she could see was his handsome almond-shaped eyes.

The way his expression shifted with awe made her cheeks flame. She glanced down at herself, then back up at the boy who continued to stare at her with an emotion that made his eyes go misty.

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