Lost Soldiers and A Little Wine

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"My lord, the Prince has returned," an ellon reported to King Thranduil. Thranduil stood from his seat as the ellon continued, "there were many casualties, my lord, and much more have been wounded, the Prince included I'm afraid, though I don't believe his injuries to be serious."

Thranduil's fought the urge to run to his son and instead thanked and dismissed the ellon before making his way the gate.

Chaos met his ears as he neared the gate. The injured were being rushed in and cared for. Thranduil looked for his son, glad to not to find him among the fatally wounded.


Thranduil turned and sighed at the voice. Legolas stood, leaning against his horse. His emotions were well hidden but Thranduil could see the exhaustion, both mentally and physically weighing on his son.

"Legolas," he said, looking at the bandages on his son's arm and the blood, both red and black, that covered him.

"I'm alright, adar," Legolas said with a sad smile.

Thranduil nodded, satisfied for the moment that his son wasn't going to drop in front of him. "Your ellyn are being cared for now, Legolas," he said. "Come, and I will call someone to look at your arm."

Legolas blinked and his shoulders slumped slightly as if reluctant to leave his warriors, but he nodded and followed his father. They walked past the chaos and down the corridors to the royal chambers. 


"Here," Thranduil said, handing Legolas a glass of wine. It had been a few hours since Legolas' arrival and a healer had seen to his arm so father and son were now left alone once again.

Legolas took the glass offered to him and then shook his head, "I'm still on duty, Adar."

Thranduil smiled and took a seat beside his son. "I took the liberty of taking you off duty early. You've been too stressed, don't think your mother and I haven't noticed." In truth, Thranduil and his wife had been extremely worried for their son. Legolas wasn't even old enough to be out on the southern borders, much less leading the patrols there. And after this last one, Thranduil was beginning to wonder at the wisdom of it.

"Hannon le, adar," Legolas said as he took a sip.

Thranduil nodded in response and the two drank together. Legolas deliberately avoided the topic of the last patrol, talking instead of times when the forest was a brighter place and there was no war. As they spoke, Thranduil watched as the tension left his son and Legolas eventually slid down to lay on the couch.

Thranduil looked up when the door open and his wife, Arnel, entered. She knelt in front of her son and kissed his forehead and she laughed at this sight of his smile. She glanced at the glasses on the table and turned to her husband, whispering, "Do you really think the wine was a good idea?"

"I'm not drunk..." Legolas murmured but didn't try to get up.

"No, indeed," Thranduil said and took his wife's hand and pulled her to sit between him and their son. "He hasn't had much," he whispered to her. "Just enough to get him to relax a bit. Don't worry."

She nodded and placed Legolas' head into her lap. Her hand traced the faint scars on their son's arm as a frown appeared on her lips. Just as Thranduil was about to take her hand, Legolas reached up and took it. 

"I lost them..." he whispered. "So many of them... I did everything I knew to do and I still lost them." A quiet sob left his lips as he gave into his grief.

"Legolas, it wasn't your fault," Thranduil reassured him. "You did everything you could and it saved lives. I have read some of the reports and there was no way you could have gotten them all out of there. There was nothing else you could have done."

"Your Adar's right, ion nin," Arnel said as she pulled Legolas close. "There was nothing you could have done, don't place the blame where it doesn't belong."

Legolas nodded against her but it didn't slow his tears. The alcohol had loosened his grip on his emotions and he couldn't hold back as he cried for lost soldiers as he fell asleep. 

A/N: I've had this one in my drafts for forever! Not my best work I think, but let me know what you think! 

Dabbles In Ink: Lord Of The Rings One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora