To Fulfill A Promise

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«{What If?}»

Light flickered from a torch. It's rays bounced onto the crystal surroundings, lighting the dark underground known commonly as the Glittering Caves. An elf clad in green and brown stood un-moving at the center of the dirt path. He held the torch in one hand, and an axe in the other. A great long bow was strung across his back. All was silent save for the dripping of water in the distance and the whispered roar of the light of which he held.

He breathed steadily, looking around at the stalactites that hung from the curved ceilings, water dripped slowly off there tips and landed with a,


Plop, onto the pools on the floor.

His breath hitched as he was amazed that such beauty could be found under the earth.

"You were right." He whispered as he sat the axe against the gold that lined the wall. "It truly is beautiful. Even to an elf's eyes."

He spoke as if someone could hear him. As if someone -a friend perhaps- was supposed to have heard him. But none were there; and as he looked around once more, his chest weighed heavily as he saw that the person whom he was meant to share this memory with, was gone.

Legolas allowed the tips of his fingers to graze off the dwarvish weapon, and turning, he left with a heavy heart. Never to return to that place again.

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