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A/N - This starts off a few days before Titanic sets off on the maiden voyage.

Ella Hanson stood on the dock looking at the ship which would be her home for the next ten days. It was 7th April 1912. Titanic was to begin her maiden voyage in three days from Southampton to New York.

"Excuse me Ma'am."

Ella turned to see a man standing there. She smiled as he walked over to her. "I'm fifth officer Harry Lowe. Are you supposed to be here?" He asked.

Ella smiled. "I guess so. I'm Ella Hanson. The seventh officer. But then, you weren't to know that," she said.

Ella boarded the ship with Harry Lowe. Ella grinned at the sight of the ship. "Mr Lowe. What's she doing here?" A Scottish voice asked.

"Mr Murdoch. This is seventh officer Ella Hanson."

"A woman?" Murdoch asked in shock. Ella couldn't believe him.

"Yes I'm a woman. I'm sure you can see that by how tight my uniform is in certain areas," Ella spat. She walked off. Murdoch glared after her.

Ella walked over to the captain. He smiled and put out his hand. "You must be my seventh officer," he said.

"Indeed I am. At your service Sir," Ella told him, shaking his hand.

Captain Smith smiled. "Welcome aboard the Titanic."

"It's truly remarkable to be her, Sir. Thank you for giving me the oppurtunity," Ella said.

Captain Smith had called officers to the wheelhouse. "Miss Hanson, this Chief Officer Wilde, First Officer William Murdoch, Second Officer Charles Lightoller, Fourth Officer Joesph Boxhall, Fifth Officer Harry Lowe and finally Sixth Officer James Moody," he introduced.

Ella smiled at them all. "I met Mr Lowe and Mr Murdoch on deck. I look forward to working with them all," she said.

Charles and Will walked off to the bridge. "What was the captain thinking? Allowing a woman onto the Titanic as an officer?" Charles said outloud.

"I know. It's disgraceful," Will said just as loud. Ella sighed. She knew it would be difficult but she wasn't giving in.

Ella walked over to the two of them.
"What's disgraceful is your attitude towards women in power," Ella spat. She walked off to look around the decks.

Will watched as she went.
"Who does she think she is?" Will questioned in disgust.

Ella found herself standing at the railings. She smiled to herself. She was excited for this new adventure despite how difficult certain people would make it for her.


Ella turned to see Harry standing a few metres away from her. She smiled. "Hello Harry. How are you?" She asked.

Harry smiled. "I'm doing just well. Captain Smith has asked to see you and Mr Murdoch."

Ella walked to find Captain Smith. Mr Murdoch was there already. "Thank you for coming Miss Hanson. I was informing Mr Murdoch of how he is to be responsible for you as he first officer," he explained.

Ella surpressed a groan. She couldn't believe she had to be told what to do by someone who didn't want her on the ship. "We have three days until we sail don't we?"

"Yes. Plenty of time to get to know each other," Captain Smith said. He walked off.

Murdoch and Ella glared at each other.
"I will make sure you do your job. But I won't be getting to know you," Will said. He walked off.

Ella smirked. "That sounds idyllic!"

Will said nothing. He was annoyed at Ella. Why was she even here? He didn't want her to work with him.

Ella walked off and smirked to herself. William Murdoch was going to regret treating her how he was.

It was time for dinner. Ella had chosen to dress in her uniform minus the cap and jacket. She left her hair down and smiled.

Ella walked to the officer's mess. All the officers were there. Ella walked in. Harry walked over to her and smiled. "You look amazing."

"Thank you Harry."

Will stood with Charles and Henry. He thought Ella looked good but wouldn't tell her that. "Wow. She looks good," Charles commented. Henry agreed with him.

"She's tolerable I suppose," Will spat. He sat down. The captain made sure that Ella sat beside Murdoch - much to both of their annoyance.

Harry sat beside Ella. He quite liked her.
"You enjoying yourself?" Harry asked.

Ella smiled. "I am. This is most pleasant. I can't wait to be at work with everyone here over the next days."

Will hid a scoff. Ella rolled her eyes. "Forgive me Mr Murdoch. But you seem to be choking. I do hope you're alright."

Charles sniggered. Will glared. "I'm fine Miss Hanson."


While they were eating, Will kept on looking at Ella and Ella kept looking at him. Ella bit back a comment knowing it wouldn't be good to annoy her superior.

"This is an excellent meal is it not?" Ella commented.

"Very much so Miss Hanson," Captain Smith agreed. He called for teas and coffees to be brought over.

Ella took a coffee. "Mr Murdoch, can you pass the milk and sugar?" Ella asked politely.

Will smiled at her. "Well, I would hate to put down women in power by reaching for it for you."

Ella and Will glared at each other. Harry got up and grabbed both for Ella. He brought them back to her. Ella smiled at him.
"Thank you so much," she said. As she poured her milk, she made sure to leave a small splash on Will's jacket.

"Oh Mr Murdoch. I'm terribly sorry," she said.

"It's fine lass. No harm done," Will replied.

After the meal, Ella walked out to the bow. She wanted to be alone. "So tell me, how did you score a position on the SS Titanic?" She heard a voice ask.

"Mr Murdoch. I got this position because my father co-owns White Star Line. I went to Maritime School and passed. Else I'd not be here."

"Women should be doing more useful stuff."

"Like scrubbing the floors and attending to their husbands?" Ella questioned.

Will chuckled and stood beside her. "Like having the job of their dreams and finding their life partner."

Ella looked at the sea and smiled. "I am doing the job I love. The sea is like my home."

Will nodded. He knew that feeling too well. That showed that Ella was a true sailor but Will didn't want to admit it.

The moon shone down on them with a bright white light. Ella sighed. "It's so beautiful here. I couldn't imagine myself doing any other job."

"I know how you feel."

Ella looked at him and smiled. "Well Mr Murdoch, you've been nice to me for more than five minutes. I'm shocked," she teased.

Will nodded. "Aye, it won't happen again."

"Damn. I quite like it."

Will and Ella walked back inside. Ella was freezing. "Damn it's cold."

Will agreed. He knew it would get even more colder when they were on open sea. "It will get colder," he told her as they walked to the officers cabins.



"Ugh I need a warmer coat," Ella said.

Will smiled. "Maybe you need a warmer corset on."

Ella smirked. She walked closer to Will. She whispered in his ear. "I'm not wearing a corset."

She walked off. Will bit his lip. "Damn."

Will didn't want to think about Ella in that way but the more he thought about her not wearing a corset the more he wanted her.

Ella stood with the other officers. Will came over too.

Charles smiled. "Ella was just telling us about how her father is co-owner of White Star Line."

Will nodded. "Aye. I knew that."

Ella grinned. "Surprised you remembered Mr Murdoch. After what else I told you," she said.

Will had the decency to look away from her when she said that. The other officers were looking at her in interest.

Ella smiled. "So, I better go to my room. It's getting late."

"Good night," they all said. Ella walked off. They all looked at Will.

"What did she tell you?" Henry asked.


Ella walked to her room and closed the door. She smiled and took off her uniform.

Will couldn't get the thought of Ella out of his mind. He knew he needed to keep his distance from Ella. He also knew that it would be a lot harder than what he thought.

Ella knew when she woke, she would be going over her schedule. She knew that most of her watches and rounds would be with Will.

Ella couldn't deny she had a thing for men in uniform. They turned her on. But she also knew she had a thing for Scottish men.

Ella woke the next morning knowing she had her first round with Will. She got herself washed and tided up.

She grabbed her uniform and decided not to wear her corset. She smirked and buttoned up her jacket. She fixed her tie before joining all the officers for breakfast.

Will was standing with Henry waiting for the others.  "Miss Hanson seems to fit in quite well," Henry commented.

Will nodded. "Aye. A nice lass."

Henry smirked. "It's a good job you're her superior then."

Will groaned.

Ella walked into the officers mess. Everyone was there already. "Sorry I'm late. Got a little lost," she said. 

"That's alright Miss Hanson. Mr Murdoch won't go too hard," Henry replied.

Ella smirked. "I'm sure he won't."

Will knew what way she meant it. He glared at her. She smiled innocently.

Ella and Will walked out on deck. "So today I'm taking you around the whole ship so you know your way around," Will said. Ella nodded.

They started on the first class deck. "This is first class," Will told her. Ella nodded.

"I can tell. It's quite luxurious."


Ella grinned. "You have a very nice accent," she told him.

"Thank you lass."

While they were walking, Will explained everything about the ship. "Believe me Mr Murdoch. I've grown up on boats etc. I know how they work," she told him.

"Aye. But do you know how to steer a boat?" Will asked.

"I've steered a few," Ella admitted. Will smiled and brought her back to the wheelhouse. They were alone there. Ella stood at the wheel and Murdoch stood close behind her.

"While you won't be steering, its important to know what ways to turn," Will explained. Ella nodded. "So turn it starboard."

Ella did everything Will instructed. She began to get distracted by how close Will was standing. She could feel his chest against her back.

Ella and Will stood looking out the docks. Ella smiled. "When my father told me he had gotten me a position on here, I almost died in shock," she said.


"Cause Titanic is the pride and joy of White Star Line. And I'm probably the only female officer. I'm blessed to be here," she said.

When they'd finished, Ella smiled. "Thank you Mr Murdoch. It means a lot that you've helped me."

"No problem. I'll see you at dinner," Will said. Ella nodded and walked off.

Charles walked up to Will and smirked.
"You're lucky to be supervising her. Most of us would kill to be in your position," Charles admitted.

"What happens between us is just professional. Nothing more."

Charles nodded. He didn't believe Will. Every officer thought Ella was stunning. They all wanted her but were too professional to try.

"Go and do your rounds," Will instructed.

"Ay ay."

Will laughed and watched as Charles walked off. Will kept on thinking about Ella. He knew they could both lose their jobs if anything untoward happened between them.

Ella went for a hot bath. She needed to relax after having Will that close to her. She knew she wanted more. "Stupid Murdoch," she mumbled as she washed herself. She laid her head back and relaxed herself when she finished washing.

The warm water relaxed all of her muscles. She knew Will wouldn't be silly enough to risk his job for her. Ella knew that if her father found out, he would be disappointed in her.

Will was in his own room cleaning himself up for dinner. He too got into the bath to clean himself up. He couldn't get Ella out of his mind no matter how hard he tried.

Ella went to the officers mess for breakfast. She smiled. "Morning all."

"Morning," Henry replied as he stood up. He placed a kiss on the back of Ella's hand. "How did you sleep?"

"Quite well thank you, Chief officer Wilde."

Will walked into the mess and saw Ella. She was standing with Mr Lowe. "Morning Mr Murdoch," Ella called.

"Morning Miss," Murdoch said. He took Ella's hand and kissed it. Ella was surprised.

Will, Henry and Ella walked over to the table. They all sat down together. Ella sat in between the two men.

Ella grabbed a slice of toast and put jam on it. Will grabbed the pot of coffee.
"Would you like some?" Will asked Ella.

"Yes please Mr Murdoch."

Will poured Ella some tea. Ella grinned and thanked him.

Will sat down and ate his breakfast with one thought on his mind. Was he falling for Ella?

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