13| Chimchim

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Jungkook's POV:

It's been a month since I had the operation. Taehyung and my Parents never left my side which made me feel really thankful for having them.

Well, about studies, since I was getting better after two weeks of the surgery, I started studying in the hospital. My beautiful smart boyfriend was there the whole time and helped me catch up for all the lessons I didn't attend.

It was 3 in the afternoon, I was just laying on my bed. Tae was in the school right now, so I was alone. I didn't mind staying alone, and Jimin and my other friends were visiting often. But I couldn't help but to miss Tae so much whenever he left, he usually comes until six because he had extra art classes, which made me miss him even more.

I let out a sigh of frustration. I knew it was so childish and greedy, but I hoped he would stay with me more. A part of me was still believing that I'll die, and it made me want to spend every moment with him.

I shrugged the thought off when I looked at the bed beside me, it was Taehyung's. Dr. Hoseok let him have it since he always spent the night here anyways.

"Excuse meeeeee... " I heard a familiar voice calling.

I turned to see Jiminie standing beside the door, he ran to me and hugged me like he usually does, he's such a big fluffy teddy bear.

"Feeling better today, Jungcook?" He asked giving me a big grin that made his eyes basically disappear.

"Yah! It's Jungkook! "

"Well that's not what Charlie Puth says " he laughed and I glared at him.

"You mean Charlie Puss? " I smirked and he laughed again. I really missed this pabo. He rarely visits because he is busy eating sugar, if you know what I mean ;)

"Anyways, where is Taehyung? " He asked looking around the room.

"He has extra art classes, so he comes until 6" I answered smiling. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and stared at me for a moment. Did I say something wrong?

"Is this what he told you? " he asked with a serious tone.

"Yeah, why? " I looked at him studying his every move. What does he mean? Is Tae lying to me or something?

Before he could answer me, someone opened the door. I grinned directly when I saw Tae, but frowned just afterwards, sending a worried glance between him and Jimin.

Shit, I know they don't like each other.

"Jiminiiiiiiiiiie!!!! " Taehyung shouted enthusiastically as he saw Jimin, which made me jump slightly.

The pink haired boy saw him too and stand up screaming as well "Taehyungiiie"

The both of them hugged each other and swang from side to side like two besties. While I was just sitting there dumbfounded, I thought they hated each other?

"When did you both became friends exactly? " I asked with a confused expression.

They both ignored me as they kept chit chatting with big grins, I could only hear them when they were talking loud enough.

"But seriously man, that's such a silly contact name" Jimin scream whispered as Tae rolled his eyes.

"Says the one who named his boyfriend 'Min suga genius jjang jjang man bong bong' "

Jimin pouted : "It's an inside joke you dummie, it's a mark of a functioning relationship!! "

They both laughed again and I began growing tired of being ignored.

I like you anyways ~Vkook~ (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now