Chapter 4

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It had been a while after seeing that man, and I had started to wonder if I had imagined it. I had already moved twice more after the incident. I think that that would be a total of say... three months? Yep, three long uneventful months. It even seemed like the vagi were taking their annual vacation and they didn't even think to inform me. The nerve of some vagi these days! I mean it was great that I had been able to have some 'me time' But with the lack of vagi came a lack of jobs and I seemed to find myself enjoying my 'me time' on an empty stomach.

I'd resorted to selling whatever little belongings that I had, only keeping the necessities and my mother's cloak. Like hell I was going to sell the only thing I had left of her. Someone would have to pry it from my cold lifeless hands before I gave it up.

My father, on the other hand, I have no memory of. No memorabilia, no birthday cards, nothing. Screw it! I don't even consider him a father. What kind of man knocks up a woman and just leaves her to raise the child by herself. Oh yeah, right, that would be my father.
He left my mother to care for me by herself and that is what she did until she disappeared when I was 6. I used to think that she would come back for me when I was younger, but now I'm wise enough to realise that she either abandoned me or she died.
I don't remember much of her, except that she had brown eyes and short brown hair. I guess it was just my luck to take after my father.

After she disappeared some passers-by took pity on me and handed me over to the nearest orphanage.
I would love to say that lady that ran the orphanage became my surrogate mother, but I know that it is not nice to lie. Let's call her Lady Lucifer. Oh and not Miss Lucifer, she made it very clear that she was a high class lady. Lady my ass.
If she was a 'lady' then I was Saint Nicolas. If fact, I can distinctly remember her nightly 'prayer and worship'. That is if you counted her drunkedly cursing her dead husband as 'praying'. I don't know how he died, but I wouldn't have been suprised if it was suicide. I felt like hurtling myself off of a cliff after spending five minutes with her, let alone spending years with the damn woman! Death was most probably a sweet relief.
I'm just glad I never encountered his vagus during my stay there. Now that would have been interesting.

I could just picture it: "Sorry Miss- I mean my Lady. I wasn't able to complete my chores last night because I was too busy being haunted by your late husband's ghost."

But no, the only vagi that was present was that of a small boy. He didn't do much, he just stared. I once tried to tell the others about him, only to realise that I was the only one able to see him. After that I became know as 'ghost girl' and any remaining friendships that I had quickly dissolved into nothing.

Loneliness, it starts at a young age.

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