Chapter 8

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I lurched forward, desperately gasping for breath.
"It was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream." I muttered to myself, trying to slow down the erratic beating of my heart.

Looking around, I saw that I was still in the spot where I had fainted.

After a quick search of the area I found my twin scythes, one buried in the wall and the other scattered on the other side of the room.

I rushed forward, desperate to reclaim my scythes and what ever little bit of normality I had left.

After gathering up the rest of the my scythes and as many valuables as I could find I began to leave, only to spot a book out of the corner of my eye.

I don't know what it was about it, but it almost seemed to call out to me. Dropping the valuables I had gathered in my arms, I walked tentatively towards the book.

Upon closer inspection I could see that it was old, very old.

I was snapped out of my reverie by a bang a door somewhere in the house. Not wanting to have to deal with anymore vagi, I quickly snatched up the book before rushing out the house, leaving behind the forgotten valuables.

I quickly hailed a carriage, eager to get far away as quickly as possible.
Once seated in the rickety carriage, I soon felt my blood start to boil.

That bastard! Mortem must have run away while I was unconscious.
Silently fuming, I vowed to myself that I would give him a piece of my mind the next time I saw him.

Arriving home, I payed the carriage driver and climbed out, only to walk slap-bang into the devil himself.

"Listen," he started, obviously trying to explain himself. Unfortunately for him I was not in the mood for his excuses, cutting him off with a punch to the nose.

I heard a satisfying crack and the profanities that soon followed, I stormed past him into the house and slammed the door in his face.

I locked the door, taking great enjoyment in his pleas to be let in. Unfortunately those pleas started to annoy me, causing me to throw a scythe into the wooden door.

And, to make the message even clearer I yelled at him, telling him to leave me the fuck alone.

Almost immediately, his pleas stopped, leaving me alone in silence. And, that is when I finally broke down.

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