"We'll hurry up then. What are these damn problems." Brenda asked. Golly scowled and looked like he was about to yell at her but Thomas stepped in.

"What problems?" He asked. Gally huffed.

"First, the Flare is running rampant in the city. Some higher ups are said to have caught the disease but are hiding it with Bliss. Which would be all fine and dandy if Bliss actually stopped the spread of the virus but it doesn't. So soon this whole city will be infected. The second problem," Gally continued before we could freak out about the first problem. "Is that Immunies are disappearing in large numbers. Nobody knows why but people are beginning to notice. I guess the rest of the population is just now realizing how valuable we are."

"Are they being killed? People don't like us." I said.

"Yeah I know that but there would be bodies if they were being killed." Gally said shaking his head. "But they're just disappearing, without a trace. Some people think that they're being taken to W.I.C.K.E.D to restart the trials but I don't know, that's just what my source told me."

"Whose your source?" Brenda asked skeptically but Gally didn't reply.

"So what does any of this have to do with us?" Jorge asked.

"What? You don't care that the worlds crumbling? That people are disappearing or being killed? That soon we'll be left in a world where there are only psychos who want to eat our shuck brains?" Gally demanded

"Of course we care but what are we going to do about it?" Thomas asked.

"Well stop W.I.C.K.E.D for one. There's not much for us to loose is there?" We said nothing.

"Did you hear about any others escaping?" Thomas asked hopefully? "Teresa and the others?" Gally smirked.

"Who do you think my source was?"

"She was here?" I asked.

"They all were. Teresa found out they were trying to restart the Trials. She didn't approve. She was hoping to meet up with you guys but we had to send them on because we have another, smaller problem."

"What smaller problem?" Ashoka asked.

"There's a bounty out for a guy named Hans. W.I.C.K.E.D wants him dead."


We didn't find Hans until the next day.

Jorge checked us into a cheap motel and had to begrudgingly get two rooms because Thomas argued that the girls should have a separate room. Frankly, Brenda, Ashoka and I didn't give a damn but we got two rooms anyways. Jorge got us all new clothes and some backpacks at some thrift store nearby and while him and Brenda made calls to dozens of people I don't know the names of, the rest of us sat around and ate and took showers.

Brenda and Jorge were in one room, talking to people while the rest of us were in the other. Thomas and Aris talked on the couch while Ashoka and I sat on one of the beds together as I answered her questions about W.I.C.K.E.D. She wanted to know what I did, how things were run, what the Creator was like. I knew she was curious and just trying not to get bored. Minho sat at the desk searching the Netblock for any word on Teresa and the rest of our friends but judging from the sighing, he wasn't making much progress.

"Do you like your mother?" Ashoka asked. I looked away. Did I? She gave birth to me but she never really loved me. She only used me.

"No. I couldn't." I murmur. Ashoka puts her hand on my arm comfortingly.

"Hey Ashoka, want to go check out the computer. I'm sure you can learn a lot of cool things on the Netblock." Minho says, giving up with the computer and coming towards us. Ashoka glanced at me and smiled softly.

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