And the more we become desensitized to it again, the more spiritually we become bankrupt.

Now Allah says in this ayah, He says:

وَالَّذِينَ إِذَا فَعَلُوا فَاحِشَةً

And for those who whenever they do an act of shamelessness, either they look at something or they go somewhere, they're with someone that they shouldn't have been with, they do something they shouldn't have done, anything form of shamelessness. The term " فَاحِشَةً " implies any of it, the slightest bit of it and worst of it, any of it; " ذَكَرُوا اللَّهَ " They immediately remembered Allah. They immediately remembered Allah.

Imagine you're doing something shameless, your mother walks in on you, your sister or brother walks in on you, your father walks in on you, your friends see you do something. How humiliated and embarrassed would you be? How sorry would you feel? You'd absolutely feel like scum, right?

But now how can you save yourself from shamelessness? If you do fall into that, it's inevitable, that's gonna happen, but if it does happen, the remedy that'd protect you from next time is, ذَكَرُوا اللَّهَ ;immediately they remembered  Allah.

فَاسْتَغْفَرُوا لِذُنُوبِهِمْ  Then immediately they asked Allah to Forgive them for their sins.

وَمَن يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ  Who's going to forgive your sins, if it is not Allah anyway?

See, when you do something shameless, you feel really bad about yourself. And when you feel bad about yourself, shaytaan comes and says "how are you going to talk to Allah now? What face you gonna show him? First you do this and now you think you're going to pray to Allah? You're hypocrite."

And so you'd say "Yeah, I shouldn't talk to Allah, I am scum."

And you become distanced from Allah... and shaytaan succeeds.

When you do something evil, especially an act of shamelessness, something humiliating, you're not really proud of, go and ask Allah Azzawajal to forgive you immediately.

And Allah puts a condition, you know you can become addicted to it, "yeah I messed up, I watched this terrible stuff, I'm going to ask for forgiveness." and then you gonna ask Allah to forgive you but you are pretty sure you're going to do this next week again.

Allah clearly says: "وَلَمْ يُصِرُّوا عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلُوا " They didn't insist upon on what they've done.

In other words, when you apologize to Allah, when you beg Allah for forgiveness, you should ward yourself off from the shamelessness and make a commitment in your mind, in your heart that you're not going to come back to it.

If you do come back to it, you know as human beings, it might happens but you should make sure that in your heart there's not even the slightest bit of a doubt that you're returning to it, you're abandoning this forever and you can't give up. Maybe you've tried before and you failed, you gave it up and went back to it and you notice that it becomes repetitive, so you start saying to yourself "Yeah, I've done this plenty of times, probably I'll get back to it."

You've already failed.

No matter how many times you failed, you cannot have that attitude. That attitude may means that you're not really sorry before Allah.

So that's just something we have to pray for getting out of the cycle of shamelessness. And there are a few practical advices I can give you, things that you can do in addition to the prayer, hoping that it may help you Insha'Allah.

How to get out of the cycle of shamelessness:

· Don't be alone. Be with good company. Usually we end in up in shameless activity when you're all alone by yourself. And if you have laptops or computers in your room that may lead you to problems, don't keep it in your room. And keep the door open.

· If you know you're going to go somewhere where you gonna see things that are inappropriate, try to change that scene. Try to get out of that scene. Especially if you're going to college, and you have like 4, 5 hours gaps in between classes, why don't you go to the masjid, sit there and study. It's a safe place. And you know that can't mess up there.

· Save yourself from putting yourself in the situations when you know you're going to fall into that. This is something you have to teach yourself to do because if you're not able to ward yourself from shamelessness, you would have messed up married lives. You'll have no respect for your spouse and it all leads to the no respect for shame.

May Allah (SWT) Forgives us all of our sins, may He by His Infinite Power, bless our family and our Ummah. May He heals the sicks and protect us from the evil eyes. May Allah also protect the innocents Muslims in Burma and may He ease Insha'Allah their burden and gives them Jannah. Ameen.

Jazakullah Khair.

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