Heatwave (Mobiumshipping)

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Yugi groaned and whined as he laid on the couch, feeling as though he was literally dying.

"You guys I'm literally dying, it's sooo hot!", Yugi complained in the unbearable heat.

Domino had recently been hit by a heatwave and Yugi was not liking it one bit. He had been either lying on the couch or sitting in front of the air conditioner to keep cool. However, as he melted away in the heat, Yami and Atem were acting like it was normal weather!

"How the hell are you two not DYING?!", Yugi pouted as he got up on his elbows to narrow his eyes at his two boyfriends sitting across from him.

"Yugi, we're from Egypt which is basically a desert aside from the Nile. This kind of heat is nothing compared to some of the heatwaves that hit Egypt", Atem explained as he read a novel with a glass of wine in his hand.

Yami nodded his head in agreement as he boredly flipped through channels on the TV.

"No fair, you guys are like immune to this heat! While I'm stuck wasting away on this couch!", Yugi kicked his legs against the couch, whining loudly.

"Well throwing a tantrum like a child isn't going to help you", Yami teased as Atem chuckled and took a sip of his red wine.

Yugi huffed and kicked Yami's thigh which was more like a somewhat harsh nudge since Yugi was too hot to muster up a real kick, "Shut up, I have every right to complain! I'm hot, I'm sweaty, I feel gross and sticky, so I am going to complain and 'throw a tantrum' as much as I damn well please!".

"At least do it quietly so I can concentrate on reading", Atem piped up before sipping on his wine again.

"Yeah, and I'm trying to watch TV", Yami added in when he was finally able to settle on a channel to watch.

Yugi huffed again and got up from the couch, stomping into the kitchen with flushed cheeks from the heat. He opened up the fridge and got out a water bottle to press against his forehead. He closed the fridge and sat on the tile floor, pulling at the collar of his tank top as he whined softly with a pout. Oh how he hated the heat...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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