We sit there in the car for a moment, soaking in the uncomfortable silence, before the man in the driver seat speaks. It think his name is Taehyung?

"So tell us.." Taehyung begins to speak, unsure of what to call me.

"Jo." I say.

"Jo! Where do you happen to live?" he pauses for a second and I sit there. Just as I was about to say something he blurts one more thing out. "I swear it's nothing creepy, so you can relax a little. We'll just take you home, nowhere else." He lets out a soft chuckle as he scratches the back of his neck. I nod in acknowledgment and tell him my address. He then shifts the car into drive, and proceeds to go forward. During the ride I fiddle around with one on my belt loops, as well as the strap of my purse, praying to whatever may be out there, that these men do in fact take me back home.

The thunder and lighting started to become quieter, but the rain didn't let up just yet. I begin to stare out the window, watching all of the buildings go by, and the raindrops sliding down the window. With each raindrop sliding down the window, I take my finger and follow it down until I can no more. I feel the hot stare of the man next to me, but I don't acknowledge it.

A few minutes later we arrived at the orphanage that didn't look like an orphanage, but more like a small house crammed in between tall buildings. On the outside of the orphanage it read as rundown and beaten up, being that it is a very old building that's what you should expect. Yet the boys were somewhat taken aback when looking at the rundown exterior; the white paint chipping away, revealing the silver aluminum underneath, the cracked window on the second floor that would shine the light into the room I shared, and lastly, the aura of the whole place gave off a creepy vibe to those that didn't know what actually lied within.

My hand grasps the handle of the door and waited for the car to come to a complete stop. The sound of the rain hitting the top of the car seems to have ceased to only that of a small dribble, and I watched as the rain slowly started to let up. I open the door slowly and gather myself and my purse and step out of the vehicle. The damp ground wets the bottom of my shoes once my feet make contact with the pavement. Once my body is fully out of the car, I start to close the door, mumbling a quick 'Thank you' under my breath, then I fully close the car door, letting out a small clicking noise to notify me that it is fully shut.

Step by step, I make my way to the front door of the orphanage. I get to the front door and go to clasp my hand around the door knob and notice it is locked. I then go to reach into my pants pocket for my key with my right hand, when I realize I'm still holding onto the hat that I snatched from Jimin. My mouth forms into the shape of an 'O' as I look back at the vehicle, patiently waiting for me to enter my home. I hold up the hat as if to tell them I still had it.

Idiot. They probably knew that already.

The passenger window rolls down, and a smiling Jimin appears. "Keep it," he shouts, waving it off as if it was nothing. "Who knows, maybe you'll need it again someday." He chuckles a little and waves goodbye to me "It was nice meeting you! See you around, maybe?" The smile doesn't leave his face as he rolls up the window. I finally get my key out of my pocket and unlock the door, and turn slightly to face the vehicle once more, giving them all a small wave and watch as they drive away.

I close the door quietly behind me as I enter the orphanage, as to not wake up any of the children, or worse, Miss Jane. The darkness of the lobby envelopes me in it's embrace, like it always does every night when I come home. It gives me comfort, and reassures me that I have a home, but it also brings me back to reality that this was all supposed to be temporary.

I look back down at my right hand that holds onto the hat, and I stare at it. Before I realize it, I start to smile a little.

How ridiculous.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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