Chapter 6: Something More Than Human

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"What have I become? Something less than human, but also something more" – Doctor Alex Mercer.

(The fallowing is the a summery of the events of the video game Prototype)

In the year 2009 Alex Mercer awoke in a morgue.

Soon he found he had the ability to consume or absorb people, and take their form. Whenever he consumed someone, he was able to see their memories. Their memories, became his.

His shapeshifting ability was not limited to just changing his face, however. He also possessed the ability to change his arms into a variety of weapons.

The first power he gained was known as the Claw ability. His fingers would lengthen into long viscous claws, which he could use to rip his enemies to shreds. With this power he could also summon spikes from the ground.

Next, Mercer acquired the Hammer Fist ability. His fists would grow huge, and become hard as a rock. He could use this ability to smash apart tanks and cars.

Then he gained the Whip Fist ability. His arm would turn into a long flexible tentacle like appendage, lined with metallic blades. The Whip Fist could stretch to incredible lengths for long range attacks. This proved very useful.

His next ability was the Muscle Mass ability. Granting him with the power to make a person explode with just one punch.

Eventually he gained one of his most well known powers, The Blade. His arm would turn into an enormous blade, about the size of his body, that could cut through the armor of a tank with ease.

He also gained the Armor ability. The ability to create a hard shell like armor around his body, that could protect him from anything from bullets, to rockets. (He could also create a shield).

He also gained some truly devastating abilities. Being able to create an explosion of tentacles from his body, and summon waves of spikes from the ground.

As his powers stated to grow, an outbreak of a virus known as black light had broken out. The virus created an army of zombies, and monsters. An army lead by a woman named Elizabeth Green.

Green had similar powers to Mercer, and she set out to spread the virus across the globe.

Alex Mercer eventually was able to stop Elizabeth Green, and consume her.

With the head of the virus eliminated, the armies of the undead had been weakened, the battle was almost done. However the military did not believe the virus could be stopped. They had planned to nuke the city, to stop the virus from spreading (The needs of the many, out way the needs of the few)

In all the chaos Alex Mercer learned that it was HE who had released the virus. Before he had awakened in the morgue, he was studying the black light virus. Realizing what it was, he set out to take down his employers, Black Watch. He took a sample of the virus, and intended to expose Black Watch.

However Black Watch had found him out, and hunted him.

With his back to the wall, Alex Mercer threw the sample of the virus to the ground, releasing it. Black Watch then shot Alex Mercer to death.

Mercer's body landed on the vile of the virus. The virus had entered mercers body through his wounds. The virus slowly took over Mercer's boy, replacing every one of his cells.

The virus brought Alex Mercer back from the dead.

Alex Mercer was no longer human, he was the virus.

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