Chapter 3: The Outcast

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"Subject Pariah, son of Elisabeth green. Carrier of the DX1118 virus. Otherwise known as Black Light"

The child was brought into a bright room, in the testing facility he was being raised in.

Well raised may not be the right word. Raised would imply a sense of love, and caring. This child was not loved, or cared for.

He was not viewed as a human being, he was viewed, and treated, as property, as a weapon.

In the middle of the room sat a dog, staring at the child with a happy look on its face wagging its tail.

"Pariah" said a voice on the intercom. "I want you to kill the dog."

Pariah didn't respond.

A group of men and women watched Pariah on a screen in a dark room. One of the men pressed a button on his control panel.

A metal necklace around young Pariah's neck sent an electric shock through the child's body.

"Rrraaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Pariah screamed.

Pariah then looked at the dog. He reached out his hand, and his eyes started to glow red.

The dog started to whimper, then it started freak out. Pain filled the dogs entire body.

Blood started to ooze out of the dogs mouth and eyes, as it gave a pain filled howl.

Then thick fleshy red tentacles burst from the dog, and attached to the walls floor and ceiling. Then in an instant the tentacles retracted toward the dog, ripping out chunks of the drywall making up the room, as the tentacles pulled the large chunks of drywall into the dog at great speed, the dog exploded on impact. More tendrils shot out from the exploding dog. Within seconds the entire room was filled with blood and fleshy tendrils.

"OH MY GOD!" yelled one of the women in the dark room.

One of the men watching puked on the floor.

"Yeah we call that one, the bio bomb" Said another man.

Then a high ranking general walked in. he was old and had only one arm.

"General Randall" one of the men addressed him.

"That was very impressive gentlemen" Said Randall, "I would like a sample of it"

"Can do" said one of the men.

Immediately a scientist walked into the bright room containing Pariah. The scientist was wearing a protective hazmat suit. The scientist grabbed Pariah's hand, took a scissors and cut one of Pariah's fingers off.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Pariah screamed as the scientist cut his finger off.

"What was that for" asked one of the people in the room.

"Relax, look" said another.

They all looked in amazement as Pariah grew a new finger to replace the old one.

The scientist placed the old finger in a box, and left the room.

Pariah looked up at the security cameras with tears in his eyes.

"This is just a child" said one of the people in the room.

"Wrong" Said Randall "It's no child, it's the Black Light Virus."


Later that night, Pariah was locked into his holding cell.

He sat and listened to the people talking outside. He heard one of them mention a storm coming.

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