New Years

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Ch. 9

Two years, Weiss couldn't believe how long she and Ruby had been together. After a year of being together Ruby moved in with Weiss and she enjoyed waking up to the younger girl everyday. Her alarm went off at 7am sharp and Weiss yawned as she woke and turned it off. She then turned over to a still sleeping Ruby. "Ruby wake up we have to get to work."

"Don't wanna." Ruby mumbled into the pillow. She pulled the covers over her head to attempt to get more sleep.

Weiss sighed and stood up completely naked from their previous night's activities. "Ruby." She said in a soft sing songs voice.

"What Weiss?" Ruby grumble sleepily as she turned and looked at Weiss. She stopped and fully opened her eyes to stare at her beautiful girlfriend's body. 

Weiss smirked and started walking to their connected bathroom. "I'm going to hop in the shower. If you wake up you can join." She said before disappearing into the bathroom.

All Ruby could hear now was the running of the shower water and Weiss's humming. Ruby quickly got out of bed and went to shower with Weiss. Being late to work that morning wasn't something Weiss planned. But it was most definitely something that happened.


"I'll go get us all lunch since we are swamped." Ruby stated as she grabbed her coat later that day. It was New Year's Eve but it could easily pass as Christmas Day with the chilly weather and snow.

"Ruby no it's ok you don't have to." Weiss sad from behind her desk as she looked up from her papers.

"I want to." Ruby smiled and gave Weiss a quick kiss. "I'll be back." She said and before Weiss could protest further she was out of the office and the building.

Weiss smiled and shook her head. After a few moments she called Yang into her office. "Sit." She pointed to a chair in front of her desk.

"Did I do something wrong?" Yang asked as she sat down.

Weiss shook her head and chuckled. "No don't worry Yang. I was just hoping I could talk to you while Ruby is out."

Yang shrugged and smiled before giving a nod. "Yeah ok. What about?"

Weiss sighed and reached into her desk drawer. She produced a small jewelry box and slid it to Yang. "I know your sister and I have only been dating for two years but I feel as though she's the one. I want to ask her to marry me but I was hoping you had any insight on what you think she'll say. And to of course get your blessing. I am going to ask Qrow for his blessing also but you're more reachable right now so I thought I'd ask you first because I want to ask him in person."

Yang smiled wide as she looked at the ring. Any normal engagement ring would be associated with clear diamonds on it but not this one. It had one ruby right in the middle and was surrounded on either side by clear diamonds and sapphire also. Which Yang could only assume was to represent both Weiss and Ruby. She looked at her boss/friend and handed the ring back. "Trust me. She'll love it. And of course I give you my permission. You guys are perfect for each other. Just don't hurt my baby sis."

Weiss chuckled as she put the ring away again. "As you've said before. And I swear. I won't. Ever."

Yang smiled and nodded before standing. "Well I should get back out there and make sure everything stays in order. Good luck." Yang then left to continue her job and Weiss was left to think.

It wasn't long before she was video calling her sister. "Yes Weiss?" Winter greeted.

"Hey Winter I was hoping maybe if you and Qrow weren't busy if you two could come by tonight for the ball drop?" Weiss looked at her sister nervously as Qrow popped into view.

"Don't worry we are already on our way." He laughs. "This is the last chance I get to drink all I want before I clean up my act for your dear sister. Bet your ass we will be there."

Weiss and Winter both rolled their eyes at him. "Alright." Winter shoved him slightly.

Weiss chuckled and heard Ruby out in the lobby. "Ok see you guys. I really gotta get back to work." They all bid farewell and hung up the call right before Ruby entered Weiss's office.

"Hey." Ruby smiled and gave Weiss her club sandwich, salad, and soda before lightly kissing her.

"Hey." Weiss smiled and took the lunch gratefully. "Thank you sweetie. I could've paid though."

Ruby shrugged and sat down. "Oh well." She giggle and started to eat.

Weiss smiled and did the same as she looked at the love of her life. 'I'm making the right decision. I know it.' She thought to herself before the pair started to multitask with eating and working.


"We are here kids!" Qrow called the minute he walked into Weiss and Ruby's place. They had decided to have the New Years party there instead of Yang and Blake's solely because of the fact that they knew it'd end up being loud and they didn't want to have it in an apartment building. "And we brought drinks." He set them on the counter.

Ruby smiled and hugged Qrow. "We can always count on you Dad."

Qrow chuckled and hugged her back. "Of course kiddo. Besides I wanted to take this last chance before I go sober to drink away." He ruffled her hair.

Ruby giggled and Weiss motioned for Yang to help Ruby with the drinks. "Come on Rubes let's see what he brought." Yang pulled her to the drinks and Weiss smiled and looked Qrow motioning him to follow her.

Confused, Qrow followed Weiss to the hall. "Uh yeah?" He asked slowly.

"I wanted to ask you something. I've already asked Yang but you're Ruby's father. I want to do this properly and traditionally. I love Ruby with my entire heart and I would like to marry her but I wanted to ask for your blessing before I propose to her."

Qrow smiled at Weiss and nodded. "How could I not give you my blessing? Of course you can marry her. Do you have the ring?" At Weiss's nodded he smiled more. "Can I see it?"

"Oh uh yeah." Weiss nodded and pulled the ring out to show him. He smiled as he looked it over then handed it back to her. "What do you think?" Weiss asked him.

"It's great kid. Now let's get back before she notices." Qrow led the way out to everybody and when Yang looked to Weiss she nodded and gave a thumbs up and yang smiled bright.

"Drinking time!" Qrow started handing out the alcohol.


Weiss had made sure she and Ruby didn't drink too much and promised after the ball dropped they could really start drinking. When around 11:30pm hit Weiss took a deep breath and turned to Ruby. "Ruby."

She turned from talking to Yang and everybody looked at them. "Yes Weiss?"

Weiss took Ruby's hands in hers as she spoke. "Ruby Rose. You are the love of my life. I couldn't ask for anything better in my life than to be with you. I have known for so long that you are the one for me. I have both Qrow and Yang's blessing. I want to start this New Year calling you my fiancée instead of my girlfriend." Weiss pulled out the box and got on one knee before opening it to show the ring. "Will you marry me?" 

Ruby had her hand over her mouth as tears fell from her eyes and she nodded quickly. "Y-Yes. Of course. Yes Weiss!" She quickly threw her arms around Weiss in happiness.

Weiss, with her own tears falling from her eyes, wrapped her arms around Ruby as well. "I love you so much." She whispered before they pulled apart and she put the ring on Ruby's finger.

Yang kept taking pictures but neither girl cared really. "I love you too." Ruby whispered and kissed Weiss.

"Celebration time!" Qrow yelled drunkenly and immediately started handing drinks to the newly engaged couple and this time Weiss didn't make them hold back how much they drank. They were finally engaged and soon they would be able to call each other wives. Weiss couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night at what their future held.


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