Christmas Eve

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Ch. 7

December 24, Christmas Eve. Weiss and Blake had both made a full recovery and to not only celebrate the holiday but to also celebrate the two girls living through Adam's terror, Yang, Ruby, and Blake all invited Weiss over to spend the night Christmas Eve. Weiss couldn't think of anything better to do than to spend the holiday with the couple and the amazingly beautiful Ruby Rose. She just wasn't sure where she'd sleep. She figured that was something they'd figure out together though. She packed a bag and headed over around 2pm. She,
of course, had given everybody the entire week off for the holiday so arriving at the time she did wasn't a problem. She approached the house and before she could even get out of her car to go knock she received a text from Yang. 'Don't bother knocking just walk in. I mean really what's the point of knocking anymore?'. Weiss chuckled at that and grabbed her things before walking into the house.

"Weiss is here!" Ruby says the minute Weiss walks in and Weiss notices her quickly hide something.

"Hey Ruby." She chuckled and sat her things down. She noticed the dirty dishes and raised an eyebrow. "Just had lunch I see?"

Ruby nodded as she stood with the mysterious wrapped package. "Yup. I'll be right back." She says before dashing off.

Yang came in seconds later with a chuckle. "She's been wrapping all of our presents today. Blake and I were told to stay in our room."

Weiss nodded in understanding. "I get it. I never got the chance to wrap you guys' presents. So I'm sorry that you don't have the joy of unwrapping them."

"Nonsense." Yang tossed Weiss wrapping paper and tape. "If you do Ruby's first she can help you wrap the rest. She's very neat with it. Blake and I will stay in our room." With that Yang walked back.

Weiss heard Yang saying something then followed by Ruby's reluctant 'Ok'. Weiss didn't see Ruby again until she walked to Ruby's room, the younger girl's presents wrapped and hidden. "Hey wanna help me wrap their presents?"

Ruby looked up with an excited nod. "I gotta go Jaune." She said into her mic for her PlayStation. Weiss watched as she turned the system off then came out to eagerly help Weiss.

"Thanks Ruby." Weiss smiled and Ruby nodded.

"Of course Weiss." She sat down and noticed that both Yang and Blake had 3 presents each. "You didn't have to get so many."

Weiss nodded and chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah I know. But you guys are my friends. And I don't have to worry about money. Wanna wrap Yang's and I'll wrap Blake's?"

Ruby nodded and started wrapping. "Sure thing." Weiss took a moment to admire Ruby's enthusiasm for it. She shook her head and looked away to continue wrapping before Ruby noticed she was looking.


"Thanks for the help Ruby." Weiss said once again as they cleaned up.

"No problem." Ruby smiled and put the wrapping paper away.

Weiss smiled and looked around the house. The cute artificial Christmas tree was set up in the corner next to the tv. There was paper snowflakes and Christmas lights everywhere. Ruby had also put up window stickers on every window, an inflatable Santa and Rudolph outside (that Weiss had bought for them along with the stickers), and Ruby had soft Christmas music playing everyday for the entire month throughout the living room and into the kitchen. "Do you play the music all the time?" Weiss asked curiously.

Ruby shook her head as she put the presents under the tree. "Nope. Not during the night." She then turned to Weiss. "So can I put my presents from you under the tree?"

Weiss chuckled and shook her head. "Nope. Cause I know you'll peak before tomorrow."

Ruby pouted and crossed her arms. "Fine. But I'm not putting what I got you under until tomorrow either then."

Weiss shrugged and giggled. "Ok."

Ruby frowned sighed. "Fine." She went to her room and got Yang and Blake's presents then put them under the tree. "Now what should we make for dinner tonight?" Ruby mused as she looked around the kitchen.

"Maybe we should just order some takeout or something and make dessert ourselves? Since Yang planned that Christmas party with everybody tomorrow we kind of need what's here." Weiss suggested.

Ruby nodded and pulled out some cookie dough. "Gingerbread cookies for dessert?"

Weiss smiled and nodded. "Yes." She laughed and then went off to Yang and Blake to ask them what they wanted for dinner.


After they had all eaten their pizza and Blake and Yang went back to their room to "cuddle" Ruby and Weiss dug out the ingredients for the gingerbread cookies. They had decided they would instead make them from scratch so the could use the other cookie dough for cookies for the party tomorrow. "So." Weiss said as she laid the ingredients all out on the counter.  "Who's all coming tomorrow?"

"Well it'll be Me, You, Blake, Yang, Tai, My dad, Winter, Jaune, Pyrrha, and anybody you want to invite." Ruby smiled after listing off the names of who will be there.

Weiss nods. "I may know a few people I could invite. I mean heck it is a party after all. The more the merrier."

Ruby nodded and started helping Weiss with the cookie dough. She giggle and flicked some flour at Weiss. "Rudolph the white nosed reindeer." She giggled.

Weiss glared halfheartedly. "Ruby Rose." She blushed looking at the innocent look Ruby gave her and flicked some back with a smirk. And that's how the kitchen ended up dusted with flour and two girls laugh with no cookie made yet. Weiss took a minute to watch Ruby laugh and how her eyes twinkled. "We should make the cookies." Weiss says after they calmed down.

Ruby took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah we should."

Weiss and Ruby then proceeded to make the cookies, filling the house with a ginger scent. Wen they later called Yang and Blake in for the dessert their eyes widen before telling the pair that they were to clean up the mess. They then all sat down to eat some cookies before Weiss and Ruby had to clean up.

At the end of the night when it came time for everybody to head to bed Weiss stood awkwardly not sure where she was to sleep. "Sleep in Ruby's room. She has the bed for it." Yang said.

Weiss blushed as did Ruby but neither noticed that the other was blushing. "O-Oh I mean I could just sleep on the couch.

"Nonsense. I'm sure Ruby doesn't mind." Yang then proceeded to kiss Ruby's forehead. "Goodnight you two." She said before heading off to bed with Blake.

"Uh. Right. Come on then." Ruby said softly as she headed for her room.

Weiss nodded silently following Ruby slowly. Once she got there she went off to the bathroom to change before coming back. She stayed up with Ruby for a bit as Ruby played on the game. "I don't wanna play Ruby." She had said for the thousandth time before laying down with a yawn. She wasn't expecting to fall asleep before Ruby but found that it was impossible laying in Ruby's extremely comfortable bed. Once Ruby finished playing and realized Weiss was asleep she smiled and blushed before turning everything off and climbing under the covers with the former heiress. It wasn't long before she fell asleep next to her. It oddly didn't feel weird at all, it actually almost felt right.


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