Thanksgiving Part 1

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Ch. 3

It was just a week before thanksgiving and Weiss had been working hard everyday trying to meet her quota each day but it never happening. It also didn't help that a certain silver eyed beauty was constantly texting. When her lunch break rolled around she had another text from Ruby. 'Weiss, I swear if you don't eat I'll make you.' Weiss chuckled at the message before texting her back telling Ruby she'd be fine. She worked into her lunch break and didn't stop, wanting to have it done. She sat in her office going over files from clients she had. She had the smaller clients that Mr Ozpin couldn't focus on because of his bigger clients. She didn't mind however because she was making an income. Once her secretary, Velvet, walked in with a brown paper bag in hand Weiss finally looked away from the files. "What's that?"

"Your lunch." Velvet shrugged. "The delivery boy brought so f you didn't order it. Maybe he's got a crush on you."

Weiss sighed and rolled her eyes taking the bag from her. She opened it and took her the food. It was salad and a club sandwich with even a 20oz bottle of soda included. On the lid of the salad was a note that Weiss immediately recognized the handwriting of. 'Weiss, eat, its lunch time. Not work time. ~Red.' Weiss chuckled and shook her head at Ruby's little present. "Thank you Velvet." She says to her.

Velvet smiled and nodded before leaving Weiss's office and going back to her desk. Weiss decided maybe a small break wouldn't hurt her. She sat back and ate as she texted Ruby back. 'Thank you Ruby.'

'Glad to see you got it. But really though I need you on your A game when you get out of work because I have something extremely important to talk to you about.' Was the message she received back from Ruby.

Weiss smile a tad at the message and sent back an ok before finishing her food and then her work.


After work, Weiss grabbed her things and left the parking lot. She called Ruby and put it through he car speakers her phone was blue toothed to. "Yes Ice Queen?" Ruby greeted her.

Weiss glared out the window before answering. "Don't call me that." She said trying to keep the small smile on her face out of her voice.

"Aw come on now. Don't be like that Weiss." She heard Ruby giggle despite trying to sound sad.

"What was so urgent that you needed to tell a me Ruby?" Weiss asked continuing to drive towards her house.

"Wanna come over for thanksgiving?" Weiss could hear how excited Ruby seemed.

Weiss sigh softly as she stopped at a red light. "I don't know if I'll be able to Ruby." Despite the fact that she usually doesn't celebrate thanksgiving, or really any holiday, that wasn't the only reason Weiss didn't think she'd make it. "I'll probably be swamped at work again." She said just like last year.

"Aw come on Weiss. Just take the day off. It's a holiday. I'm sure your boss would understand."

"It's a law firm run by the best attorney in the state." Weiss countered.

"So? He's human too. He probably won't even be there himself." She heard Ruby pause. "Pleeeeeasssssseeeee Ice Queen?"

Weiss sighed and chuckled. "Alright alright. I'll be apart of what I'm sure will be called '"My dysfunctional Thanksgiving.'"

Ruby cheered and clapped. "Yayyyyy. Ok! Bye Weiss!"

"Bye Ruby." Weiss smiled and they hung up. 'My Dysfunctional Thanksgiving with my new Dysfunctional Family.' Weiss thought to herself as she arrived home. She let a smile come across her face at the thought.

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