I Just Have Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"You've killed us!" Newt shouted next, his face horrible disfigured and sunken. "You're no friends of ours." I screamed as they leaned in to tear chunks of my flesh off my neck.


Jolting up from my dream, I brushed my sticky hair out of my face and looked around as I tried to slow my heartbeat. Checking my watch, I realized that it was morning, just a little past five. Raven and Ashoka were still sleeping peacefully so I tied up my hair and began to head to the medical bay to see if Aris and Brenda were conscious.

I stood outside the door, hearing quiet voices. I grasped the handle and pushed the door open and Brenda and Thomas turned to look at me. Aris was still passed out. "At least you're awake." I said with a sigh. "How do you feel?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Stiff. Thomas said we're going to Denver. I think that's a good idea."

"Well, it's where the others are and I'm sorry but we voted without you two." Brenda shook her head.

"It's not a problem at all. We have to get those damn implants out of their heads and there's a doctor in Denver that we can go to." I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Hans. Remember him?" I nodded my head slowly. He was an ingenious doctor. "He was discharged from W.I.C.K.E.D and went to Denver." I smirked.

"As I recall, he didn't like W.I.C.K.E.D's methods." Brenda shakes her head.

"Nope, which is why he's the perfect person to help us." I nod.

"How do you know he's in Denver?"

"We kept in touch. His last message before I went into the Scorch explained to me where he was. I'm glad he did, otherwise we wouldn't have any way for W.I.C.K.E.D to stop tracking us. We can just disappear."

"Disappear." I murmured. "You make it sound so simple." I sigh. "We might as well explain the doctor thing to the others then." I told them. "Everyone is still asleep as far as I can tell. I'll wait here for Aris to wake up and meet you guys in the cockpit when he does." Thomas and Brenda nod, getting up and exiting the room. I debate throwing water on Aris as I walk towards his sleeping form. He might not appreciate the gesture though.

Bringing a chair over, I drop down into it and take his hand. "Wake up idiot. You've slept long enough." But Aris doesn't answer so I lean back in my seat I kick my legs up onto the bed his sleeping on. I don't know how long I wait for, maybe ten or twenty minutes but soon, Aris is groaning and squeezing my hand as he wakes up.

"Fuck that was horrible." He murmurs, not opening his eyes. I smile and stand up, letting go of his hand so I can touch his shoulder gently.

"You'll live." I told him. Aris opens one eye, smiling at me a little before sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

"Where are we?"

"Flying to Denver. Come on, I'll tell you on the way." Aris nods and stretches out his sore limbs before getting off the table and following me. I lightly explain our escape, how we brought him and Brenda to the medical bay and how we decided on Denver because that's where the others were.

As we walked into the room just beyond the cockpit, we found our very sleepy friends lounging around on the various crates and chairs in there. "Oh good." Raven says, glancing over at us. "We were just about to go dump water on you." Aris smiles weakly at Ravens joke.

"It might have worked." He replies. Thomas and Brenda quickly gain our attention though as they run through what we're about to do, why we're going to Denver. Minho questions everything Brenda says and I can tell Thomas is getting a little irritated by the lack of trust flowing from him but what can you do? I betrayed him more than once. He has the right to be suspicious.

After half and hour though, we've pretty much agreed to go along with this plan. Raven and Newt though have yet to speak up on how they feel about the whole thing. "Why does our opinion matter?" Raven asked in a bored tone.

"We're bloody Cranks. We're gonna be past the Gone long before we make it to the city." Ashoka looks horror stricken as he says this but Newt can't take it back and I don't think he wants to.

"You don't have to be so.." I begin.

"Bleak?" Raven finishes. "It's true, we're going to die so it's better if Newt and I don't go into the city. We could infect people with the virus. We should just stay away."

"But your implants.." Minho begin to argue.

"Won't matter when we're dead." Newt cuts him off before walking out of the room. We all sigh collectively, not knowing what to say. They're right. They shouldn't go into the city. They could infect those who aren't immune but.. We also can't just leave them here.

"Well, I guess it's settled then." Thomas mutters, his hand hovering over his pocket. He's probably feeling the weight of the note that Newt gave him. Brenda runs a hand through her short hair with a sigh.

"I'll ask Jorge to create papers for us. We're going to need them to pass through the security checkpoint." Brenda moved towards the cockpit to talk to Jorge as everyone else turned to me.

"Security checkpoint?" Aris asked. I shake my head.

"God it'd be so much easier if you guys had your memories." I muttered. "The safe zone is guarded okay? Why wouldn't it be? We need papers, proof of identification to pass through the gates. If we don't have those, they don't let us in. Since we're immune to the flare, we'll pass the VCT too, Viral  Contagion Threat, don't ask about it again. The checkpoint is easy enough to pass through.. or so I've been told."

"You don't know?" Thomas asked.

"I've.. Never left W.I.C.K.E.D. I was born there, the Creator didn't think there was a safer palace for me than W.I.C.K.E.D." Brenda comes back out with Jorge, the two of them talking about the papers and about last names.

"Well, let's eat everyone. We still have a while to get to Denver."

In case everyone forgot what the characters all look like, the picture attached shows them all. And don't worry, we'll be seeing most of them again soon! Thanks for reading.

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