CHAPTER 8 - In an Instant

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The sky was still dark when Spring got up from the comfort of her bed. She headed downstairs and sat quietly on one of the stools in the kitchen. The strong beating of her heart was so loud and she couldn’t help but notice it. It started last night, when she and Louis were so close in doing ‘it’. She was lying on her back, and her husband was on top of her and he was looking intently at her. Spring clearly remembered the look in his eyes; it was full of love.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.

She didn’t respond. She couldn’t think straight. She didn’t know what to do. A part of her brain was telling her to go on, but the other one was telling her to stop, because number 1, she knew Louis didn’t love her, and number 2, she didn’t know what she was feeling for him. She had promised herself to give her everything to the man whom she loves and at the same time, loves her back.

“I know you’re afraid, and I know there’s a whirlwind of thoughts going on in that pretty mind of yours. As much as I want to make love to you tonight, I will stop myself becau…” he was cut off by Spring.

“No, LouLou. I’d like to do it now.” She said, her voice slightly trembled.

Louis shook his head and sat up. Spring was left lying on the bed. After a moment, she lifted her back to sit and she moved towards her husband. Louis felt her presence and he looked at her, and he touched her cheek.

“Spring, I know you’re not yet ready for this. I can see it in your eyes. You’re afraid, and I don’t like to do it if you’re not ready. When you said you’d like to do it now, your voice shivered, so I took that as a ‘stop yourself, Louis’ sign.” He stroked her face gently as if he was touching a silk cloth. “You know Spring, this is not normal for me. I’m always in a hurry when it comes to this. But for you—for you I can wait even if it’ll take a lifetime.” He smiled, kissed her on her forehead and stood up. “Good night, beautiful. Sweet dreams.” He was about to go outside the room when he looked back at Spring.

“Yes?” she asked, confused.

“Spring. Uh, do you mind if I ask if you’re still a…” Louis hesitated at saying the word.

“A vi-virgin?” Spring looked at her lap and she felt her cheeks heating up. “Ye-yes. I am.” She didn’t like to see Louis’s reaction because she knew that he would make fun of her. He will probably tell her that being a virgin at her age was so ‘out’.

“Then I’m the luckiest man alive.” He said.

Spring shot her head up and she looked at Louis. He was smiling from ear to ear, the opposite reaction she had expected. He was totally happy, like he was a kid who won first place in a spelling bee.

“I knew it. I knew you’re one of a kind. And you, my lady, just gave me a reason to never let you go.” Louis spun around and walked away.

Spring was left in her room with millions of butterflies flying in her stomach. Her heart was beating really fast, and she somehow liked that feeling.

As she was sitting, his words were replaying inside her mind, like it was her most favorite scene in her favorite movie. She couldn’t help but smile whenever she remembered what had happened last night. ‘Maybe he’s the one.’ She thought. Louis was a real gentleman, and he just made her like him even more.

“Oh God, do I like him?!” she was surprised by the thing she had realized. “Do I like him?” she stood up and started to pace the room back and forth. “Do I like—…”

And then the doorbell rang. Spring hurriedly went to where the main door was. Who could it be? It was too early for a visit. When she opened the door, three pairs of eyes greeted her. The two pairs were from a man and woman in their late twenties, the last one was from a cute little boy.

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