CHAPTER 5 - I Need Her

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Hello people! It's already summer here in our country and it's so freaking hot. IT BURNS! 


Louis went home at exactly 5 pm. Spring was preparing the dinner when Louis came barging in. He went straight to his bedroom, not even saying a word or two to Spring. When Spring finished what she was doing, she went to Louis’s room and knocked.

“Lou, dinner’s ready. Come out now.”

There was silence. She couldn't hear even a single word. The growing silence worried her. She knocked and knocked again until Louis's lazy voice sounded.

“I'm not hungry.”

“But Louis, I can't eat all those foods...” she replied.

Silence. Few seconds later and the door that separates her from Louis opened. His hair was a mess and his brows were furrowed and his eyes were tightly closed. Spring gasped.

“Wha—what happened Lou? “ she asked with a tone of worry in her voice. “Are you okay?”

Spring reached out for Louis's forehead. It wasn't hot.

“But you have no fever.” Spring looked at Louis analyzing what was going on. Louis slowly opened his eyes and he looked intently at her.

“My head is aching.” he said and groaned afterwards.

“Must be bad.” she commented.

“Bad as hell.” Louis managed to smile but he still groaned after talking.

“Come on, come on. Let's see what I can do to ease that head ache of yours.” Spring stepped inside of Louis's room, grabbed him by his wrist, and motioned him towards his bed. She sat on the blue mattress. Louis lay beside her and he covered his eyes.

“Ah! This head ache sucks!” he screamed. Spring, upon seeing Louis's suffering, held his head and made him lay his head on her lap. Louis opened his eyes and he looked up. Their gazes met and Spring smiled at him but he just gave back a frown.

“What are you trying to do?” he asked.

“Ssh. Don't talk.”

Spring placed her index and middle fingers on Louis's temples. She started to move them in circles, as soft and gentle as possible. She continued that motion until she noticed that Louis was already asleep. She gently placed his head on the pillow and she went downstairs.

Louis woke up at 2 am in the morning because his stomach was growling like a wild beast. He groaned because he didn’t want to get off of his bed. He tried to sleep again to make his stomach shut up but he failed. His stomach was over powering his mind. When he stood up, he noticed that his headache was gone. The sleep definitely eased the hard pounding inside his head hours ago. Maybe Spring helped too. Louis suddenly remembered that Spring massaged his head until he drifted into a deep sleep. He wanted to thank her but it was obvious it wasn’t the right time to do that. She was probably sleeping.

He headed downstairs, straight to the kitchen. Spring wasn’t kidding when she said she couldn’t eat all the foods she had prepared; seemed like she prepared for a feast. Louis opened the fridge and took out a bottle of milk and he made a sandwich. He was determined to go back to sleep when he finished eating, but when he was just about to go upstairs, he noticed something, rather, someone in the living room. He walked silently towards the room and found his wife, sleeping like a kitten on the sofa. A book was placed on her abdomen. Louis smiled when Spring slightly shivered when a cold wind entered the room and crashed to her body. He walked towards the open window and closed it.

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