VII. Three Years and Counting

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Raven's POV

I walked towards the viewing window, towards Clarke's shrine. I needed to see Earth. I had hit a wall and needed some motivation, inspiration or whatever. I just need something. It's been three years and counting of doing nothing up here but growing algae. Im so sick of salad. I round the corner and trip over a pair of feet. "Shit," is all I have time to say before I'm falling towards the ground, my bad leg useless.

Hands catch me and suddenly I'm standing again. I look down at a sheepish Bellamy. "Hey Reyes, uh how 'bout you watch where you're going?"

I kick him with my good leg but finagle myself down to the ground and join him against the wall. "What's up Blake?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder and stare at the shrine. I feel him shrug. "I was just missing her." I nod, the tears burning my eyes. I choke back a sob and respond gruffly, "Yeah same. She'd have an idea to help me."

Bellamy chuckles. "Yeah or a way to make us find an idea." I burst out laughing, my tears turning to ones of happiness instead of pain. Bellamy looks startled but he ends up joining me. Laughter is the best medicine they say.

"Hey Blake," I say, after a period of content silence, still gazing out the window.

"Yeah Reyes?" He asks. I sit up and look at him. "What the hell is up with this scruff on your face?"

"Shut it, Reyes," he growls as I burst out laughing.

"So you and Echo?" I ask nonchalantly, totally innocent like I have no idea what's happening. Bellamy sits up and glares at me. "I came here for quiet, Reyes."

"Oh don't be such a grumpy gills, Blake! I'm only messing with yah!" He grumbles but sits back and I return my head to his shoulder. "But like honestly, we need to do something about this beard situation!" He laughs and puts his arm around me.

"Yeah alright, Reyes."

I sigh, content. We stare out the window for awhile, at the dead Earth dreaming of the day we can return.

Bellamy's POV

I pull myself from Echo's arms and smirk as she inches into my warm spot on the bed while I dress. I bend to kiss her head before leaving the room. I promised Raven I'd meet her super early this morning and I'm already late.

"Yo Bellamy," I hear. I turn to see Murphy jogging down the hall. "So uh you and Echo huh?" He smirks. I roll my eyes and shove him. "Is that all you wanted, Murphy? Because I have places to be."

He chuckles and shoves me back. "Whatever man as long as you're good. Reyes wants you."

"Yeah I know- I'm late."

"Yeah so let's go then. She sent me to get you, but I'm sure she'll understand that bed time with Echo is more important." He says with a smirk.

"Murphy," I say warningly with a shove. He shoves me back with a smirk on his face and with a shake of his hair, he heads down the hall. I shake my head in annoyance but join him.

We reach the room that Raven requested we meet her in and we are confronted by Emori and Harper at the door. I look past the two and see a sullen and bald Monty. Wait bald?!?

"Yo Monty!" Shouts Murphy, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "Where's the mop head?"

"Don't laugh, John," says Emori evilly. "You're next!" I start laughing loudly- Murphy's hair was shoulder length and starting to dread up again.

I somber up once I hear Raven laugh manically from her place behind Monty, the pair of scissors luckily away from his head. "Keep laughing Blake- your beard is leaving!" I must've looked scared because all the girls as well as Murphy and Monty burst out laughing.

A/N: just some more fluffy fluff. I kind of posted the chapters out of order but I fixed it so no worries! I really love Bellamy and Raven as friends so I wanted to show their friendship growing, as well as a relationship between Echo and Bellamy as much as it kills me because Bellarke forever!

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