XIII. Dealing

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Murphy's POV

"It's hard to believe that she's really alive," Harper murmurs. Monty nods. He's acting a little odd, Raven too and I can't figure out why.

Emori is elated by the news of Clarke's miraculous survival and the discovery of the recordings. Gosh, I love seeing her this happy. I want to keep her happy forever. Uh, wait what uh okay no John. Focus on the news and not some weird desire to marry Emori... I'm thankfully pulled from my thoughts when a pale and shaking Echo walks in, supported by an equally pale Raven. Though I'm not exactly sure who is holding up who...

Monty jumps up immediately, rushing to Raven's side while Emori appears at Echo's. They assist them to chairs and the girls relax slightly.

"What happened?" I demand. "Where's Bellamy?" The two exchanged worried glances and Raven seems to turn paler. I notice Monty trying to make eye contact with Raven, worry, and fear in across his face. Harper rushes back into the room with cups of water which Echo immediately downs both of. Harper looks at her strangely and I bit back a chuckle; "Uh one of those was for Raven, Echo," Harper says gently.

"It's cool," says Raven, her face regaining some color.

"So what happened?" Monty asks as he draws his arms right across his body, hugging his chest. Why is he so anxious?

"Well uh, I talked to Bellamy," Raven says. Echo nods, almost as if she wasn't even listening. "Echo had uh ended things with him."

I look at Echo who stares back defiantly, daring me to comment. "Okay so is he like completely freaked out now? Do we need to get the meds out again? Spit it out, Reyes!"

"I'm going, Murphy!" She shouts, a fire appearing in her eyes. She sighs and adjusts her position in the chair. "He started talking about Clarke, as expected."

"But it's what he said that got us," Echo cuts in. Her clammy skin is glowing under the fluorescent lighting. "This is an exact quote- 'She's alive but she's been dead for me these past five years. How do I erase these past five years?'." I look around confused at Monty, Harper, and Emori. Only Harper seems as shaken as the two girls. "Oh god," she whispers, one hand moving to cover her mouth as the other reaches to grip the edge of the table.

"What?" Says Monty frantically. "What happened? I don't get it!" Raven and Echo glare at him in response.

"John," whispers Emori, startling me. I lean in closer and grab her hand where it was resting on the table. "You need to go to talk to him, John. He'll listen to you."

"Talk to him about what?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"About Clarke!" Harper butts in. I whip around to look at her. "You need to talk to him before he does something!"

"What do you mean 'does something'? I have no idea what's happening!"

"John," Emori says softly. I turn to her and find myself becoming lost in her soft brown eyes. "Hey focus John," she says with a laugh and I feel the embarrassment grow in my cheeks as the others softly chuckle. Emori grabs my arm; "John, you need to go talk to him about Clarke. he thought she was dead for the past five years and now his guilt is beginning to eat at him again. You need to talk him before you know." She trails off but she has no need to finish; I understand now.


//2 months later//

Raven's POV

"It's been 2 months since the 5-year mark. I'm not panicking or worried. I know you'll be down soon. It takes time to get a rocket ready, at least I think you'll be in the rocket. You've had 5 years to get it ready so why aren't you guys ready? (The twins are yelling in the background and Clarke's voice can't be heard) ...may we meet again."

May We Meet AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora