X. Recordings

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It is Day 821. This is my first radio contact in over 2 years. Bellamy, Raven... I don't know if you guys can hear me, if the radiation is still blocking the signal- but I'm safe. The Nightblood worked. I have so much I want to share with you all.
I'm not alone anymore. I found another Nightblood, a little girl named Madi. I actually stumbled upon her camp and had a seizure so she had to rescue me. So I guess she found me. But it doesn't matter. I'm not alone anymore. She's only 8 but she's a little warrior. You'd like her Raven... she is very stubborn. I guess that means you'd like her too, Bellamy. *Clarke chuckles softly*
I'm going to call everyday, every single day until one of you answer and until I'm with you again.
Bellamy *sigh* I hope you're using your head.
May we meet again.


Today is 859 days since Praimfaya. The nightmares are worse now...
*long pause*
Bellamy, it was pointless to put me on that list. We're not together anyway. The list was pointless. This is pointless.


902 days since I've last seen or talked to anyone of you. Maybe this radio is just broken and I've gone crazy. Maybe you're all ghosts and you're haunting me like the rest of them *pause*
Sorry that was dark... But hey no nightmares last night. Madi helps...
Madi and I went to Arkadia today, or well what's left of it. It took us a week, maybe two, to make it there because the Rover broke down a bunch. If only you were here Raven, I could use your skills again!
We buried the bodies. Monty... I buried Jasper for you...


Day 975. It's been three days since I've last called.
*radio pause*
Madi and I went to Polis. I finally gathered my courage to face the ghosts. All I could think about were the poor souls of the people, OUR people that I condemned to death. Madi comforted me. She even insisted that she drive, despite not knowing how *Clarke gives a small chuckle* I taught her and we took at least a day to get there... I'm sorry Bellamy, but I couldn't find the bunker. It was buried...
I'm so sorry... I couldn't bring myself to look for it... I saw all the skeletons and I let them get to me....
*radio pause*
Uh I need to go. I can't keep talking to nothing. May we meet again.


Day 1095. Happy 3rd anniversary of Praimfaya. Bellamy, have a drink for me. You owe me one, remember?...


Today is 1157 days since Praimfaya and the day that Madi found two other Nightbloods. They're 5 year old twins. Can you believe it? I can't. Jude reminds me of you, Raven. He tinkers with everything. He almost shot my gun off because he was messing with it! Abba is a cute little thing, though she's super feisty. Both are currently curled up in my lap as Madi gets ready to drive us back to the lab. I just saw a shooting star, Bellamy. Can I wish on it?
*long pause*
I wished on it... I wished to see you soon.
May we meet again.


Day 1402. I still haven't heard back from you guys. You'll never guess what the twins did today! They insisted that yesterday was their birthday so they tried to make a cake. *radio pause* Yeah it didn't work...


So this is Jude *screeching sound* AND ABBA! Clarkey! Jude won't let me talk on the radio.
(Madi in the background) Are you two even doing it right?
Shut up Madi!
Clarkey! *more screeching sounds*
Guys, stop. Jude, just hold that button on the side of the walkie and Abba, point the satellite at the sky.
Oops I guess we were already on radio. *smacking noise* Ow Abba!
If you two don't stop...
Okay okay, so hi like this is Abba. Jude is my brother. Clarkey told us all about you and how you lived in the sky before the fire day and how you like went back but Clarkey couldn't.
My turn Abba! We're glad you left Clarkey because she's the best. She's letting me rebuild the Rover. She says that I could rival a raven-
No! Not a 'raven' Raven like the person, Jude! *screeching*
(Clarke's voice is heard clearly in the background) Okay you guys that's enough for today, go with Madi and do your school.
*long pause*
Sorry about that Bellamy, Raven and guys... they've been begging since the day I found them but today they each managed to flip Madi so it was their reward.
Today is 1430 days. May we meet again.


Today is the day. It's been 1825 days. Your 5 years are up! I can't wait to see you all.
Bellamy, if you're listening. I miss you. I need your heart when it comes to these kids because they are killing me. Oh and Murphy! I bet you could scare them. They don't think I'm scary anymore- imagine that... the great Wanheda has lost her ability to frighten. I can hear Murphy laughing at me now.
Gosh I miss you all. Monty's moonshine party when you're down!
May we meet again.


It's been 2 months since the 5 year mark. I'm not panicking or worried. I know you'll be down soon. It takes time to get a rocket ready, at least I think you'll be in the rocket.
You've had 5 years to get it ready so why aren't you guys ready?
(The twins are yelling in the background and Clarke's voice can't be heard)
...may we meet again.

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