I gasped. “How’d you know!?”

            “I know everything,” he laughed. “And that’s only to be expected from a girl like you.”

            “A girl like me?” I raised my eyebrow.

            “Yes, a girl like you Linnea.” The way he said my name sent chills down my spine and made me rethink my entire life because damn, the way he said my name was sexy. Plenty of people have said my name before; nobody has said it as sexy as Jason.

            “What’s that supposed to me?”

            “What do you think that means?”

            “I don’t know, I’m asking you.” Jason just smirked instead of replying. “So what are you doing?”

            “Talking to some loser.”       

            “I bet she’s pretty hot.” I paused. “I would wink if I knew how to but I don’t so… uhm, let’s just pretend I winked.” Jason started laughing and I furrowed my eyebrows. What I had just said wasn’t that funny.

            “You can’t wink?”

            “Plenty of people can’t wink, shut up.”

            “It’s not a bad thing!” Jason exclaimed. “It’s,” he paused and he looked like he was thinking about what he was going to say next. “It’s cute.” I felt colour rush to my face and I looked down so he couldn’t see me blushing. Jason laughed again. “Are you blushing?”


            “Yes you are!”

            “I am not blushing.”

            “Relax, it’s cute.” Jason started laughing again as he noticed the probably violent shade of red of my cheeks. I saw I had one new message and thought it was from Olivia and decided to read it but it wasn’t from her. It was from a number I didn’t have saved in my phone.

            ‘Hey :) You can save this number under Carson’s hot’.


            “Shit, fuck, shit, shit, shit,” I swore.

            “What?” Jason asked. I explained what had happened today to Jason and needless to say, by the end of my story, Jason was pissing himself laughing. “I don’t know if I should say you’re cute or if I should say you’re a loser!”

            “How about neither?” I retorted. “Jason,” I whined. “I need your help. What should I reply?”

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