Chapter 13

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Niji raced through the forest. Looking up at the sky, she had about 6 hours to find a 3 scrolls. She stopped in the middle of a clearing and pulled out a scroll from the bottom of her bag.

"Summoning Jutsu." Niji mumbled and three small ducks appeared. Niji looked at them and grimaced.

"Whatcha need us for boss?" A completely blue one with a gold chain said. His name is Madoka. A duck with a passion for bling.

"Yeah we was just sleepin'. We ain't got time for your shenanegains." A second one, covered in green feathers and holding a sucker in his mouth. His name was Ryota a duck with a passion for suckers.

"Looks lady. You'z better has a goods reason to get us to help you." The last one a amber feathered duck said with amber encrusted eye tips. His name is Kohaku. A duck with an attitude.

Niji grew an anime vain and looked at the three of them. "If it isn't Lay's ruffles. I can't believe you where all I could summon. Look I need some help. Can you find me 3 scrolls? 2 blue that say Earth and a White one that says Heaven?" Niji asked.

Ryota popped the sucker out of his mouth.

"Whats in it for us?" Ryota asked smiling evilly. Niji sighed and glared at them.

"I said. I need some help." Niji said giving them the evil eye. They scurried off to find her some scrolls. Niji felt 3 chakras behind her and turned around whip at the ready.

"Ah Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. What could bring you to me?" Niji said. Temari smirked.

"You got a scroll in that pouch of yours?" Temari said. Niji nodded.

"I got 40. But they aren't the one you need. There're weapons, summoning, and mindless junk. I doubt you want it." Niji said lolling about on a rock.

"Why are you alone? We could easily take you." Temari said taking her fan off her back. Niji countered with her own.

"I guess you could. But it would be a 1 on 3 fight. Sorry 1 on 2 because I don't think Kankuro is in the mood for fighting me." Niji said bending down to prove her point. All Kankuro did was blush and mumble something about 'not hurting pretty girls'. Temari hit him over the head with her fan.

"You know the view is much better-"

"IF YOU WANT TO LIVE DO NOT FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" Temari and Niji shouted hitting him over the head with both of their fans. Gaara watched from afar, not wanting to anger the two females anymore.

Not gonna lie, Niji looks better in this outfit that the other one

'Shut up.'

It really shows off her curves.

'I said shut up!'

Maybe she'd come with us to Suna, then she can be ours. Man I would go all out on her. Ravage that a-


I can just here her now. All hot and innocent begging;"Oh! Oh! Give me more! No Gaara-Sama! I've been such a bad girl! Oh yes punish me!" Damn if only-


"Hey Gaara? Are you ok?" Niji said leaning down. Apparently he collapsed to the floor. Niji leaned down to see if he was alright.

"Oh your very flushed. But you feel alright. Sit up." Niji said placing her hands on his chest and back. His breathing feels shaky.

"Hold on. I think I have something!" Niji said rummaging through her bag. She grabbed a small cloth and poured some water from her canteen. She pressed the cloth to his head before it was smacked out of her hand.

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