Chapter 5

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Niji had a little pep in her step as she went to the Hokage's office.

"You're awfully perky today. What did you do?" The Hokage said. Niji shook her head.

"Oh well uh I just have uh something great planned!" Niji said tripping and falling. The hokage nodded and gave her, the plans. They walked down to an Arena where 50 Jonin and 50 Chunin where stationed.

"Morning Troops! Hope you are ready to be pushed to your limit. Because I won't go easy on you!" Niji said.

The ninja turned to look at her.

"Hokage-sama... Why is the squirt here?" Izumo called out. Niji sent a death glare so scary it would scare the fuck out of the 10 tails...


Everybody flinched, whimpered and or downright screamed(Izumo and Kotestu). The Hokage himself had taken a couple steps back from her.

"For those of you who do not know, this is Niji Naegi. She is taking time off from her team to work with you to improve defense around the village. As you all know the Chunin exams are coming up, and we will be reciving candidates from all of the great nations. Niji has been working very hard for a long time on this plan. I leave her with you." The Hokage said before leaving.

"Alright everybody and the dipsticks, you know who you are Izumo, Kotestu... My name is Niji Naegi, and you will refer to me as Niji-sama. I have little patiences for idiots, but I'm overall a pretty easy going gal. I need every one of you to pay attention to the program or it will fail. Now I want... Hold on..."

Niji checked her clipboard and looked at the group repeadeatly. Tsking and tapping her pen against her board.

"Yes... ok... Got it. Now I want there to be fifty groups of two. One Jonin paired with One Chunin. When you are done, stand in your group so that I can assign you a number. This will be your number unitl after the Chunin exams, but try not to forget. We may need to re evaluate the method after the exams. You have 5 minutes."

The shinobi began to form groups. Everyone trying to get to a specific person. Niji shook her head sighing. Her alarm beeped and she called them back to order.

"Now that you have your groups, I will number you off. I need full silence." Niji said.

Creating 49 Shadow clones she went and got everybodies names and gave them their numbers. Niji dispersed all but 3 clones who went to make a list for her to keep on her clipboard off all the teams.

"Right. Now that that's settled, its time for warm ups. Everyone will meet back here in 1 minute. You will run around the Village and back. Oh and I forgot, come grab weights." Niji said. The silence was broken by two gigantic groans.

"Izumo, Kotestsu, you two now have the privlege of using twice the amount of weights and getting back here in 30 seconds." Niji said not looking up from her clip board as clones handed out weights and stopwatches.

"Come on imōto! We're your favorite people!" Kotetsu said. Niji glared at the two..

"Triple and 15 seconds."

"Come on!"

"Quaddruple and 7.5 seconds. I will go lower!"

They shut up pretty quickly after that. Niji handed them the weights and stopwatches.

"Now before I say go, these stopwatches and weights are infused with chakra that will gradually become heavier the longer you take. By the end of the week I expect the only people to be behind are the dipsticks. You will also be running with your partner. You may not come back without your partner, and you must both cross the finish line. By the end of the week you should be able to get here and we will do this every morning. On your marks, get set, GO!!!!"

The Shinobi left. There was a huge cloud of dust and rocks flew. Niji sighed. She would have about 15 minutes before the first group got back..

Hours later

"Listen up! I will now assign a section in the village at which you will guard when you are not on duty, a mission, or incapacitated. The shifts will be set up in a 12/3.5 shifts until 2 weeks prior to the exams. For shift changes, see me. The shifts are on the board when you are done you may leave. See you guys next week." Niji said leaving the building.

She checked her watch before gasping and running at lightning speed to the Barbeque place. Racing past people, she prayed to Kami she wasn't to late. It was about 1:30 by the time she reached the BBQ and of course she tripped.

Niji stood up, brushed herself off and adjusted her head piece before walking in to see Shikamaru lazily waiting at a booth.

"Sorry I'm late! I had a bit of trouble at work... Are you hungry?" Niji asked rubbing the back of her head.

"What a drag... Yeah I'm starved."

"Well order then."

They ordered and talked about clouds, training, argued about shogi, demanded a match against each other, and ate.  They walked out of the shop and Niji hugged Shikamaru

"Well that was delicious and fun! Thanks again for saving my life Shikamaru! I have to go find my team. Knowing Kakashi sensei, He's probably starved them." Niji said. Giggling she skipped off to the training grounds.

When she arrived she noticed that Naruto was tied up to a pole with Sakura and Sasuke feeding him. Niji walked over to them.

"Hello... Its a bit late for this task isn't it?" Niji said plopping down next to them. The three glared at her and continued feeding Naruto.

"Did you finally figure out the point of this task? Its teamwork. I spent all day teaching the same lesson to Jonin and Chunin." Niji said smiling and shifting her position.

"Could you just shut up Niji? Nobody cares." Sakura said. Niji shrugged and looked at the clouds.

'5, 4, 3, 2, 1,'  Niji thought. Sure enough Kakashi sensei popped out bringing Thunder and Lightning with him.

"YOU DISOBEYED ME! PREPARE FOR PUNISHMENT!!!" Kakashi yelled. Niji began picking daises while the other three coward.

"Well why don't you three tell him what you discovered!" Niji said forming a daisy chain occasionally adding bits of grass.

"W-we're a team!" Sakura said. Niji added more daisies.

"We are team 7" Sasuke said. Added more grass.

"Yeah Believe it!" Naruto shouted. Tied the knots

"YOU! Pass!" Kakashi said. Niji adjusted her chain on her head.

"Wait WHAT?!?!" The three shouted. Kakashi and Niji sighed.

Kakashi then explained the point of the task. Niji butt in as well.

"Ninja who fail their mission are scum. But those who abandon teammates are worse then scum." Niji said.

"Precisely. Now Team 7 can officially start missions tomorrow!" Kakashi said walking away. Every one else walked back to their homes.


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