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Fluttershy had a good life. There was some bumps along the way. She was put into therapy, and diagnosed for schizophrenia, but she knew she didn't have it. Pinkie had apologized many times, but Fluttershy always told her it wasn't her fault.

She graduated high school with high marks, and went on to collage to be a veterinarian. She refused help from Pinkie, because Pinkies help always involved cheating off the smartest kid in the class. She wanted to do this on her own.

Fluttershy was a great vet. She got on the newspaper once or twice. It was challenging with the small puppies, because they often mistakes her prothestic leg as a chew toy, but she always laughed it off.

Every night Pinkie was always there to talk to. Talking was nice. They could talk for hours. They also watched tv shows together. At night Pinkie would watch over Fluttershy to make sure she was safe.

Pinkie watched as Fluttershy grew. It saddened her, because she could not grow with her. She was stuck in the same teenage body forever. Fluttershy often joked how she wished she still had the perfect body of her teenage self. They laughed a lot.

The main six, or should I say main five, went their separate ways after highschool, but every year they stopped by Sugarcube Corner to catch up, and laugh. They never forgot Pinkie, and always had a moment of silence for her. Pinkie used that time to tell them about being a 'guardian angel'. Even though they couldn't hear, it was nice to pretend.

All in all, Fluttershy had a good life, and Pinkie had a good afterlife.

(80 years after the last chapter)

Fluttershy lay in bed. She was now old and wrinkly. 97 to be exact. Pinkie floating by her side. She's still six-teen, but she loves her old and wrinkly Fluttershy.

Fluttershy knew she was dying. She's been sick for a week, and she could feel her life draining away. She felt cold on her hands, she knows Pinkie is there for her forever. Pinkie is the best guardian angel Fluttershy could ask for.

"P-Pinkie," Fluttershy said. "I love you my sweet guardian angel."

"I love you too, Fluttershy." Pinkie said with her still young voice. Fluttershy smiled. She had always loved that voice. It is so full of energy, and wonder. Things were begining to black out. She knew she was dying now, and she was ready to be with Pinkie.

Fluttershy felt herself being pulled from her body. She could see again. Standing infront of her was Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy looked down at her body. She was seventeen again. She looked back up at Pinkie. She was smiling, oh, how Fluttershy missed that smile. She lunged her self at Pinkie getting her first real kiss with her girlfriend.

After what felt like years, they broke apart, and stared into each other's eyes.

A bright flash pulled their eyes away from each other. They both gave bright smiles at the light. The light everybody talks about was finally here. Pinkie grabbed onto Fluttershy's hand.

"Let's go." She says.

"I love you, Pinkie."

"I love you too, Fluttershy."

They stepped into the light.


Well, thats the end. I hope y'all enjoyed reading this. It took me like 10 minutes to move it from Fimfiction to here Lmao.

I hope yall have a womderful rest of your day and life😄

A Guardian Angel Named Pinkie Pie(Flutterpie)(MLP)Where stories live. Discover now