True Love

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Umm howdy, I changed the POV to third person, since repeating things was boring and long...I hope y'all like it.

Fluttershy is going back to school today. After everything that's happened, it's nice to get some familiarity. Pinkie and Fluttershy talk all the time, but they make sure not to when people are around. It's very irritating.

Fluttershy is sitting infront of her bathroom mirror. She lets out a sigh, and looks at her legs. Her jeans cover up her missing leg, but she's still insecure. Her shoulder feels like it gets showered in ice.

"Pinkie!" She gasps. "How long have you been in here?!" Her face grows warm.

"Don't worry," Pinkie says with a smirk. "I only just got in here." Fluttershy relaxes, and lets off a little smile. She wishes she could see Pinkie, but this is good enough for now.

"Ready for school?" Pinkie asks.

"Yea...but it would be better if I could see you." She murmurs, looking at her hands.

"I'll be there the whole time!" Pinkie assures her. "We could hold hands, and talk, and I could even give you the answers off of Twilights paper!" Pinkies eyes are sparkling at the thought. Fluttershy laughs a little at the thought.

"When are we going to tell them?" Fluttershy asks.

"Tell who what?" Pinkie asks even though she already knows who, and what Fluttershy asked.

"Our friends, and you, and..." Fluttershy blushes. "us."

Pinkie has never thought about that.

"Umm.." She starts. "How about we just, ya know, tell them normally?" Pinkie said. It was more of a question than a statement.

*Thanks for the help.* Fluttershy thought with sarcasm. Her face was dripping with concentration. She really needed to think of a good plan, so she doesn't sound completely nuts.

"No need for sarcasm." Pinkie says using a fake hurt voice. Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"You heard that?" She said. "I didn't say that. I thought that. You can read my thoughts! Since when? I'm confused." Pinkie laughs her incredible, and beutiful laugh. Fluttershy blushes.

"I think this is the first time I heard your thoughts." Pinkie says. Fluttershy's eyes squinted in concentration. *Thats wierd.* she thinks.

"Tell me about it." Pinkie says. An idea came to Fluttershy's head.

"Pinkie," She says. "stop touching me and I'll think something." Pinkie obeyed, taking her ice cold hand off of Fluttershy's shoulder.

*Hey Pinkie.* Fluttershy thought. Pinkie put her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"Hey Flutters!"

Fluttershy's face broke into a grin. "Now I can talk to you without sounding completely crazy!" She says. Pinkie laughs.

"Let's get to school." Pinkie says. Fluttershy nods, and rolls out of the bathroom.


Fluttershy's car pulls up to the school. She gulps. Pinkie puts her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"It'll be fine," She says. "I'll be right here." Fluttershy smiles.

*Thanks.* She thought.

Fluttershy's dad opens the car door. He has Fluttershy's wheelchair next to him. He grabs her bridal style, and puts her in her chair. She can't wait to get a prosthetic leg, so she can walk herself, and save the embarrassment.

A Guardian Angel Named Pinkie Pie(Flutterpie)(MLP)Where stories live. Discover now