I float to one of the nurses and yell:

"HOW DARE YOU TREAT FLUTTERSHY LIKE THAT!" The nurse ignores me, and keeps working.

"HEY!" I yell. She still don't look. "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?" No one answers.

"CLEAR!" I hear someone shout, and I'm pulled back into my body. My head hurts, and I'm back where I can't move again. I feel the bed being pushed. Now I can't open my eyes at all. We walk for what seems like forever, till I hear the ding of an elevator. Before I know it I'm moved into the elevator and we're going down. I hear another song and we're moving again.

Finally we stop. I hear the doctor giving orders, but I don't remember them. I feel a pain in my arm, and I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I'm pushed out of my body again.

"Time of death, 17:10P.M."

Death?!? Did I die? I can't die! I didn't even get to tell Fluttershy I love her! I float to the nicest looking doctor. Tears are streaming down her face.

"Your the doctor!" I say. "Bring me back! Your job is to save people! Do your job." She doesn't hear me. Tears are now streaming down my face too. I fly to a different doctor. "Please, just try!" I say. They start to close me up.

"She was so young." One of the doctors say. The rest nod in agreement. They're all crying now.

"Don't give up!" I say. "Please." Of course they can't hear me. I fly on top of my body, and I just cry. What am I didn't even get to tell Fluttershy I loved her." I burry my face in my hands.

"Oh, Fluttershy." I sob. Fluttershy. I have to see her. I didn't want to be in this stupid room anymore. I fly through the doors, as I'm no longer able to open them. I look up in down the halls. Till I hear faint crying. I make my way to the crying.

I come to a room. When I look in I see a woman laying on a mans body, crying. Doctors are surrounding the man. The same man that is on the bed is patting, what I assum to be his wife's, shoulder. He must've died. I walk up to him. I notice that tears are running down his face too.

"Excuse me." I said. He looked at me surprised. He wipes his tears away, and asks:

"You can see me?" I nod. "Then that means that your dead." Tears well up in his eyes again. "But your so young! Who could have did this?"

"I don't know." I say. I give him a small smile so he feels better. "I'm sorry you died. I was hit by a car trying to save my lov-I mean friend Fluttershy. Speaking of Fluttershy, I have to go and find her. It was nice meeting you. I'm Pinkie Pie by the way." I say.

He smiles. "I'm Speedway." He says, then goes back to trying to comfort his wife.

I walk out of the room, slightly happier. I just died, and I made a new friend. That must be some kind of record. I walk down the hall again looking in each room. I finally came to the right room. The door was closed but written on the door was Fluttershy's name.

I walk through the door to see a crying Fluttershy. I go to her and hug her. She shivers all over. I step away quickly. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. She reaches her hand out to where I am going through my body. She pulls her hand away rubbing it against her blanket.

"Pinkie?" She asks her eyes full of confusion.

"Yes!" I say. "It's me Pinkie!"

Her eyes widen."Pinkie...ghost...dead?!" She says starting to cry. She threw her blankets off, and scooted to the side of the bed. Her right leg was wrapped in a cast, and her left leg was totally gone. I gasped surprised. She pulls her wheelchair closer.

A Guardian Angel Named Pinkie Pie(Flutterpie)(MLP)Where stories live. Discover now