The Hospital

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Pinkie Pie:


What is that? Are man killing robots on the loose? Good thing I'm not a man. There's another beep. I guess it's to boring to be robots, plus I don't hear any screams of terror or pain. I try to open my eyes, but they only open about a quarter of the way. My eyelashes are kinda blocking my view.

From what I can see I'm in a bed, but it's not my bed at home. It's all white, and ugly. I try to turn my head to look other ways, and scan my surroundings, but it wouldn't budge. That's weird. Even for me! I keep looking where I can. I'm in a room with windows that show a hallway. There's nurses. I'm in a hospital! Why am I in a hospital? Did something happen? I can't remember.

One of the nurses come in. She's carrying a bag of clear liquid. I try to ask her why I'm here, yet I can't. I get frustrated, and the beeping goes faster. She injects me with something, and I fall asleep.

One hour later:

I wake up again. My sisters are at the foot of my bed crying. I want to tell them it's ok, that I'll be alright, but I can't. I don't even thing they know I'm awake. Marble comes to the side of my bed, but I can't turn my head to see her. She grabs onto my hand, but doesn't say anything. She wasn't much for talking. She breaks down crying, and disappears. Next Limestone comes. This is the first time I see her cry. It makes me want to cry, but I can't. She grabs on to my hand like Marble, and says:

"Sorry this happened to you. When you get better I will let you sit on Holders Boulder." She wipes away a tear, and disappears too.

Finally comes Maud. She grabs my hand too. Instead of her normal neutral face, she has a face of concern, and sadness. She kisses my forehead and says:

"I should've stayed until you woke me up. I didn't even get to see you today." She intakes a gasp of air. Tears are flowing down her face fast. "I should have been there, but I wasn't. I'm sorry." She looks away and dissapears too.

I guessed they were all sitting in the chairs that hospitals normally provide by the side of the bed. It's nice to know they're there. I drift off to sleep once more.

Sometime later:

I'm awoken by someone grabbing my hand. I open my eyes the little I can and see Fluttershy. Tears are steaming down her face. She seems to be in a wheelchair.

"You saved me." She says. "You pushed me away from that car. Why did you do it? You paid for my mistakes. I shouldn't of stopped in the middle of the road, it was stupid. It's my fault your like this." She sucked in a rattling breath. "I-If i wasent so stubborn, and just walked across the street without the crosswalk we would be at school right now. The girls are coming over soon to see you. I love you." She kisses me on the cheek and walks toward the door. I try my hardest to get myself moving. I won't let her go away thinking she did this. In the middle of her explanation all the memories rushed back to my head.

I slap my bed. It surprised Fluttershy. She looked back. My eyes are opening more now. She rushes to the side of the bed. Her eyes are wide.

"Pinkie?!" She asks.

"I-I love-" Thats when I start spasing out. Maybe forcing my self up was a bad idea.

"PINKIE!" Fluttershy screams. She wheels out of the room, and comes back with a doctor, some nurses, and a cart. He lifts me onto my side. I puke up blood, and go still.

I'm pulled from my body. I sit there floating over myself. This is wierd. I hear a long beep that won't end. I look over to Fluttershy. She's trying to get past some nurses, but they are pushing her out. Tears are running down her face at an alarming rate. Finally she gives up and lets her self be pushed out of the room, and down the hall.

A Guardian Angel Named Pinkie Pie(Flutterpie)(MLP)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora