Meeting Superman

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You skip into Bruce's house. You spot Alfred and skip to him.

"Hey Alfred, have you seen Bruce?" You ask. He stops cleaning and turns to you.

"Master Bruce is down in the bat cave with another fellow."

You nod. "I wonder who else would be in the bat cave other than Dick and Barbra." You think.

As you head down to the bat cave you hear talking. One from Bruce and one from someone you didn't recognize. You peek through the door to see them. You see Bruce and...OMG...Is that? SUPERMAN. You start Fangirling you were a big fan of superman. You take a deep breath and walk-in. Bruce notices your arrival and waves you over.

You walk over and Bruce introduces you to superman. "This is Y/N, my girlfriend."

Superman nods and shakes your hand. "Nice meeting you Y/N," Superman says.

"Nice meeting you too, Mr.sup-Man-Mr.Man." You blush. You were so awkward sometimes. He chuckles. You hear beeping and see that the bat computer was flashing like it did when there was an emergency.

"There's a Robbery at Gotham bank," Bruce says.

"By who?" You ask.


Your eyes widen. "He doesn't usually waste his time stealing money." You say confused.

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about," Bruce says as he turns to superman.

"Would you like to help us, we don't know what joker could be up to," Bruce asks Superman.

"Sure," Superman says nonchalantly. You were so excited! You were gonna be able to fight crime with superman! You run off to get your suit. Once you do you come out.

"The batmobile is getting repaired and I only have one motorcycle we can use," Batman says eyeing you.

"Well, I can fly her there." Superman says. You stiffen, you are afraid of heights.

"Are you ok with that, Y/N?" Batman asks getting on his motorcycle. You nod. You're just gonna have to tuff it out.

Superman grabs ahold of you and lifts into the air. You tightly grip onto him. You look down but quickly regret it. You scream and grip onto him even tighter. Finally, when you get there he puts you down and you sway back and forth. You were dizzy. You were about to fall down but batman catches you.

You all walk inside the bank and you see a worker curled up on the floor shaking. You run over to him and roll him over to reveal him with a wide grin and yellow teeth. You jump backward in fear.

"Definitely Jokers work." Batman says. Before you could do anything else, you hear insane laughing then see Joker come out with a bag of money.

"Well if it isn't bats and his pet." You growl at him.

"Oh, and who's this." He asks gesturing toward Superman. "Oh no, it can't be, superman?" Joker said with a smile.

Joker gets really close to superman and superman taps him on the stomach sending him across the room. You quickly run over and tie Joker up.

You smirk up at superman. "If only we could do that." You laugh.

Superman chuckles as the cops show up. Superman hides as you give the cops the Joker. He didn't want people to know he was here.

"Thanks, ShadowWolf." They say. You were a bit surprised. They never really gave you any credit before.

"Uh, no problem, uh, citizen." You say. Once they leave superman comes out of hiding.

"Are you ready to go back to the bat cave," Batman asks you.

You gulp. Did you really have to go through that again? Before you could say anything superman had already picked you out and was flying away.

You scream and grip onto him. "You're a jerk." You say while kicking him.

"If you keep kicking me I might lose my grip and drop you." Superman says smirking.

You smile back and kick him again. He lets go of you as you fall through the air. You scream at the top of your lungs and just before you hit the ground he swoops down and catches you.

"Are you done?" he asks.

You take a deep breath. "I hate you." You say.

He smirks as he flys down to the Batcave. When he sets you down you run away from him and grip onto Bruce.

"What happened." He asks you.

"HE DROPPED ME WHILE HE WAS FLYING." You say pointing at superman.

"I told her to stop kicking me." He said.

Bruce nods and says. "You should of stopes kicking him." You cross your arms. While superman walks over to Bruce.

"I should head home. I'll see you later." Superman says.

"See ya Y/N." he says to you.

"Bye, superman." You say to him.

Bruce walks over to you and takes your mask off. "Did you have fun falling through the air."

You glare at him and he runs away while you chase him around the bat cave.

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