First Day

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You woke up the next morning ready for your first day at work. You are so excited to be able to see Bruce again. Once you were done getting ready you jumped in your car to go to work. When you got to Wayne Industries you quickly walked inside. You asked the lady where your desk would be and she said to head to the third floor and it would be close to Bruce Wayne's office. She also gave you some paperwork to give to him. You walked inside the elevator and before it could shut someone out their hand in between the two closing doors. The doors slowly opened revealing Bruce Wayne. He notices you and his face goes red. He slowly walks in avoiding eye contact. The awkward tension between us was really bothering me. After a couple of seconds the doors open and he quickly walked away. But then you remembered the paperwork.

"Mr. Wayne, Mr.Wayne!" You yell running after him. He stops and turns around.

"Y-yes." He says stuttering.

"I have this paperwork for yo-" before you could finish he had grabbed the paper out of your hand and was running off.

Once you found your desk you sit down and think. Why was he avoiding you? Did he not like you? Did your breath smell bad?!? You get broken out of your thoughts when someone drops something else on your desk and tells you that you need to give it to Bruce for him to sign.

You sigh, "great I have to go back in there." You get up and walk inside his office.

He didn't notice you so you walk up to his desk and violently drop the paperwork in his desk.

"You need to sign this." Without saying anything to you he grabs a pen and starts signing them. He had a lot to sign so you decide to ask him something.

"Why don't you talk to me!?" You questioned.
He stops writing and looks up at you. You both just stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you groan and start to walk out.

"Y.N, wait!" You flip around.

"Y.N, I've been avoiding you because- because I-I like you." Your eyes widen.

"R-really?" You ask pushing your hair behind your ear. He gets up and leans in close to you.

"Yes really." He leans in closer and closer to you until your noses are touching.

"M-Mr.Wayne..." You say.


"The papers." He pulls away and runs over to the papers, finishes the signing, and hands them to you.

Before you could leave Bruce Wayne asks you, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

You smile a bit.


Batman x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora