Saved by batman... again

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You wake up the next morning and look over at your clock.

It was 5 in the morning.

You groan and lay your head back down but you couldn't seem to drift off to sleep. You give up after about 30 minutes and get out of bed.

Your apartment felt very muggy that day so you decide to go outside on your porch. You walk out and enjoy the cool refreshing air. Little did you know you were being watched.

Batmans POV
I sit on top of a rooftop with binoculars looking down at Y/N. I didn't know why but I felt the urge to make sure she was alright. Usually, I would save someone then forgot about it but
Y/n sh-she's different. As I'm watching her I see a mysterious figure creeping up behind her.

As I'm sitting down, enjoying the refreshing cool air, I hear a thump from behind me on the roof. Then another one of the person landing right behind me. I spin around to see non-other than the Joker. He smiled at me with his wicked grin.

"Now I would like you to come with me."

He says before he puts a bag over my face. I felt him pick me up and jump off my balcony with me over his shoulder. After a second I feel myself fall from his grasp. I quickly take off the bag to see Batman fighting with the joker. I watch helplessly as the Joker reaches into his pocket.

I knew it couldn't be good.

I look around to see anything I could use when my eyes landed a baseball bat, sticking out of the trash can. I run over to it grab it and run at the Joker. Once I start to get momentum with the bat I swing is over my head and hit Jokers head.

I watch as he falls to the ground then I look up to see Batman staring at me with what I could make out as an impressed face. I smile a little bit but before I knew it joker was up again and he had stabbed a knife into your side. I scream out in pain and Batman yells your name. I fall to the floor and the last thing I see is Batman tackling joker to the ground and then him kneeling over you and picking you up.

You wake up to see that you were in some kind of car. You look over to the front seat without sitting up because the pain in your side was killing you. As you make out the face of batman darkness consumes you once again.

Next time you wake up you're in a very strange place. You see an old man hovering over you.

"Ms. Y/N, are you alright?" Your brain told you to say yes but you had a question to ask.

"Where am I?"

Once you ask that you see Batman walking over towards you. He had bandages in his hands.

Hey guys sorry the ending a little strange I'll try to update as soon as possible...BYE!!!

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