Tight and up close

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You were laying on your couch watching your F/S. (Favorite Show) until your phone starts ringing. You answer your phone.

"Hello?" You ask. You were now upside down on your couch.

"Y/N, your needed. Penguin escaped from Arkham."

You fall off your couch. "Coming." You say.

"No, I'll pick you up." You hear him driving off.

You hang up and quickly get into your suit.
You run outside and start walking out of your neighborhood. You guys decided to start meeting at the end of your neighborhood so people won't get suspicious. You see batman racing around the corner. You jump in the bat-mobile and he starts driving again. You notice that batgirl and robin aren't here. You shrug it off.

Once you get where The Penguin is, you guys stop and jump out.

"So what's the plan." You ask.

"We need to attack from above," Batman says pointing up at the roof. You both grapple up there.

You get in position above Penguin's henchman. You were attacking them while batman took Penguin. You jumped down on the signal and attacked the henchman. You punched them to the ground and knocked them out. You stand up and see batman take out Penguin. You start to walk over to him until you felt yourself being pushed.

You were pushed into a safe that penguin was using. Batman was shoved in after you. Before either of you could figure out what just happened the safe door shut. The safe was really small so you were tight and pressed up against batman. He tries to kick the door but he doesn't have enough room to do so. You start to get nervous. You were claustrophobic and was freaking out. Your breathing increased and your heart rate sped up.

"Calm down, Y/N. We'll figure a way out." Batman says. You nod and slow your breathing down. Batman tried to reach down and grab something from his utility belt but he can't reach it. He gives up and you are nose to nose again. Tears start to fall out of your eyes. You were terrified. Batman puts his arms around your waist and pulls you close to his chest. His warm body soothes you and you almost immediately stop crying. While he hugs you he pulls your phone out and calls Barbra. You didn't let go of him so he had to awkwardly put the phone on speaker.

"Hiya," Barbra says. "Barbra we need your help. Y.N and I are trapped in a safe. We were shoved in here when we tried to capture penguin." Once he tells her where we were she hangs up.

Batgirl/Barbra's P.O.V
I got my costume on, call Robin for some backup, and I head to where batman says he was. I hop on my motorcycle and head over there. Once I spot Penguin I see a safe that they are loading into their truck I quickly hop off the motorcycle and kick Penguin in the back and knock his henchman out. I tie penguin up and get the safe out of the truck. I search Penguin for the key and open it. When I do I see Y.N laying up against batman asleep. Robin finally shows up and spots me. He runs over and sees the situation.

"Should we wake them?" Robin says smirking. I shake my head.

"No, let them sleep." I pick the safe back up with robin's help.

You wake up in a bed laying on batman. He opens his eyes and sees you on top of him. You quickly get off and lay beside him. Batgirl walks in and leans on the door.

"Hiya." She says while waving and smirking.

"So you did this," Batman says getting up.

"Um yes." Batgirl says slowly walking backwards. Batman starts walking towards her and she runs off while batman following behind.

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