But it never died down, Tasmanian tigers have taken out colonies that weren't in enough secret.

Our colony wasn't safe either, a few Tasmanian tigers had been seen when I was just a kit, we weren't allowed to go outside at night because they would attack us, eat us.

I lost my best friend to a Tasmanian tiger, all because I wanted to go out. But as time moved on the attacks became more frequent, so our elders started sending us away from Russia, we were told to go find other bunnies.

We thought that all the Tasmanian tigers were only in Russia, but we were wrong, they were everywhere, except for Tasmania and Australia actually. And now they're sending some of us there and the rest of us to some place or another."

"So, the Tasmanian tiger, is attacking your colony, and other colonies, going out of their way for blood because of some unknown reason. You as bunnies are being sent all over the world, just to see if they really are everywhere?" Taehyung checks, I nod. "That means, the first time we met... that thing, it was a..." he doesn't finish, I nod.

"You had a Tasmanian tiger in your backyard, I didn't want to go outside because they're there, always, you don't see them, but I do. They're waiting... always," I shudder again. 

Taehyung hugs me, he doesn't let go, he just hugs me.

"Jungkook-ah, thank you for telling me," I could hear Taehyung's voice crack as he fights off tears.

"I'm sorry I have to leave..." I hug him back, we both start crying. "I'm sorry, I tried not to get to attached, I didn't want to hurt you."

"Kookie, I don't care as of right now, I just want you to be safe," Taehyung cries. His phone starts buzzing, he picks it up and looks at the caller ID.

"It's Jin," Taehyung breathed deeply before answering. 

"Hey Jin."

"Hey, I'm at the door, are you home?"

"Yeah, I'm with Kookie, do you know?"

"Yeah, he told me yesterday."

"I'll open the door."

Taehyung hangs up and walks into the hall. He comes back with not only Seokjin but Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok.

"Why are you guys crying?" Yoongi asks.

"Well" I stand up, going next to Taehyung.

"I'm moving," I announce.

"You must've been really attached to that apartment," Jimin jokes.

"No, not apartments, countries, I'm moving to Australia," I explain.

Jimin stops laughing, he slowly turns his head to look at me, his eyes are becoming glossy with tears. "Jungkookie! Don't move! I'll miss you!" Jimin throws himself on me.

"I don't really have a choice," I hug him.

"What do you mean?"

"I had gotten a warning from my colony yesterday saying that there was no longer any more apartments that were safe from the enemy. I have to move to Australia, the enemy doesn't live there, if I wanted to stay here I would have to burn, delete and deny any evidence of my colony, and never talk or return. It's to keep everyone safe."

"Then stay!"

"Jimin! I'll never be able to talk to my family, and no one will support me, increasing my chance of death by at least 80% if not, higher."

Jimin cries harder, "I just don't want you to leave," he sobs.

I look up, Hoseok just has tears streaming down his face, Yoongi's face was covered by his hands and Namjoon looked like he just saw me get shot.


I'm so dead.

I've got cross fit tomorrow and I've been binge eating because of my depression.


Twitter: Kooks_cream

Snapchat: Kookscream




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