It's just silent as he preferred.

   The night sky reflected its black and blue shades down the sea where the sand chose to lie. The wind gave a chilly touch as he sat down with hair dancing along with it. His crystalline blue eyes matched the serene scenery.

   His mouth closed, chapped and faded as he tried to wet it, but it was no use. Such bitterness came into his life and suddenly he's speechless.

   The sand is rough but at the same time it felt soft. The thoughts stuck on his head became blurry, and he's floating.

   He's a fool. He's naïve. He's an idiot. His eyes lazed down the water, where the light illuminated by the moon made them shine like stars in the skies.

   Finally, a pitchless sigh came out from him. It's going nowhere but he felt like he has a place for water.

   For the many dramatic experiences happening on his life, he forgotten how he feels near water.

   He feels happy floating freely alone on the clear liquid, and such euphoric feeling made him unique from everything. Water... it became his escape from everything.

   But right now he felt like he cannot touch it. He felt... he felt... impure.


   It's deep. It's calm. It soothed him. Haru took a gaze at the sea longer before moving his head up.

   It's dark, but it's enough to see everything. The light from the moon highlighted his face, and it made Haruka smile, but at the same time in disbelief. 'Mako-san?'

   'Ah, you knew it's me?' His laughing tone made him hesitant for a while before moving farther from him. He felt Mako sitting behind him as he heard the sand moving. The distance of their hands are in a decent one, but Haru sees it as special.

   'How did you find me here?' blurted out Haru as he felt like there's something wrong behind the man's silence.

   'No.' He replied. 'I did not search you. I just happen to find you here, that's all.'

   'Ah really?' He felt relieved as he stood back. Silence soon draped the both of them as they continued staring at the sea. It had no words involved, but to Haru, it's meaningful.

   Just two people looking at the sea. Gazing silently, but indently. Slowly, Haru could feel himself letting his hand close to Mako's, but the latter has his twitching, making him furrow in confusion. 'Is there something wrong, Mako-san?'

   A long pause came from him, but he soon replied. 'I wanted to deny that there is, but I hate to lie, so yeah.'

   'It isn't really a big deal...'

   'No, I think it is. You look like you need someone to talk to.'

   'You think so?' He chimed in disbelief. In the darkness Haru nodded, and he could see the simple seaming of Makoto's lips. Silence followed, and he thinks there is a nonsensical distance between them. He tried. 'I like dolphins. A lot.'

   'Is that the reason why you're swimming?' He gladly shook, probably blissful on having the small change of their topic. 'No. It's just that it's what people see me.'

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