"Especially family." I glare at Mom, and she finally takes the hint. The next time I blink, she's gone, and I feel my shoulders relax.

"Then what about this guy?" Haley prods me. "Nate?"

I turn away, focusing on unpacking. "He's my boss."

"He's obviously more than that. He seems to really care about you."

"Yeah, I'm not sure why."

"Gee, I don't know. Could it be that he likes you?" she says, her voice teasing.

"Look, Haley, don't make this into more than it is, OK? If I'd been on my own, I would have probably just gone to a motel or something, but since you're in the picture ... well, maybe this isn't such a bad idea – hiding out here for a while."

"Oh, so this is all for my benefit?" she goes.

"He wants to help, and right now, it's just easier to let him."

She nods, thinking for a moment. "For what it's worth – and I know I just met him – but this Nate guy seems pretty sincere to me. I like him." She beams at the end of her words.

"Uh huh."

She gazes at me for a moment, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. She tosses her phone aside, coming over and wrapping her arms around my shoulders from behind. Because she's model-tall, she almost knocks me over.

"Hey, watch it!" I exclaim, although I'm not mad, really. It's kind of nice having her act like that – the way we used to when we were kids. We were so close back then, I feel bad that I let us just lose each other.

"Are you jealous, Cait?"

"Jealous? What's there for me to be jealous about?"

"Oh? So, you'd be OK with it if I made a move on him?" she tries to get a rise out of me, blinking her big, baby blue eyes innocently.

"Go ahead," is my oh-so-cool answer.


"It's a free country, right?"

She chuckles, withdrawing her arms and cocking her head as she gazes at me. "I don't know why you're so scared of getting into a serious relationship."

"I'm not scared. I was with Sam for ages."

"And yet ... well. I hope this thing with Sam doesn't put you off trying again with somebody else, Cait."

"It's not like that."

"I sure hope not. He was a jerk for what he did – leaving you behind to deal with his problems like that. You realize that, right?"

I nod, silent for a moment. "What about you?"


"How are things with Maya?"

"Still working on it."

"Well, you guys always work things out in the end."

"Yeah, but this is the longest time we've ever had a 'break'."

"Sorry, Haley. I know it's rough."

"Yeah," she says, exhaling tiredly. "You know, she's a lot like you."

"What do you mean?" I ask, puzzled.

"You know. Commitment issues."

"I do not have commitment issues."

"She doesn't believe someone can commit to her, you know? She's always expecting me to bail, lie or cheat on her."

"That doesn't sound like commitment issues. It sounds more like paranoia. Or a lack of trust."

"Yeah. Lack of trust. I guess that's it." She pauses, sucking in a breath. "She saw me while I was with a prospective client a while ago and was convinced there was something going on."

I pause, surprised at this piece of information. This is the first time Haley's given me any hint as to what happened that caused them to fight. "Was there?"

"No, of course not." She thinks for a micro-second. "Well, alright, maybe I was flirting a little, but I just really wanted the job, and I thought it would help."

"You shouldn't have to do that, Haley."

"I know. But I'm not like you, you know. I'm not under any agency, which means connections matter."

"Connections, meaning you have to flirt to get work?"

"Please, don't get self-righteous on me, Cait," she says tiredly. "Not after the night we all just had."

I want to respond with something about how work is work, how I don't let my personal life get all mixed up in it, but I have to bite my tongue as I remember Nate in the other room. "Fine," I say curtly.

A short while later, we turn in, not saying anything to each other even though I can see her lying awake in the other bed, texting away on her phone.

I think about how I have to go to work in a few hours, feeling tired at the prospect, but also glad, because it's the one sane thing I've got going on in my life right now.

It seems like forever before it's finally morning, and I'm up and getting ready to go to work. My sister lies bundled in blankets, and I sigh enviously.

"Good morning," Nate greets me as I step out of the room. He's in the middle of drying dishes, having just finished breakfast, I assume. "Breakfast?"

"Uh, no, I'm good. I was just going to head out."

"Are you sure? There's enough time for me to fix you something, if you want."

"No, thanks. I just need – "

"Got you covered." He comes over, holding out a mug of steaming coffee towards me. I have to admit, the smell hits me like my favorite drug. "Kept it warm for you."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I know."

I take the cup from him gratefully, grasping it with both hands. Before I can move to take a sip, Nate pushes back a lock of my hair, bowing his head to nuzzle my neck. But I pull away, looking up at him with a wide-eyed expression.

"What's wrong?" he asks, frowning slightly.

"I ... nothing."

He shifts his weight, resting one hand on the hip of his designer slacks. Now that he doesn't have to hide the fact that he's the boss anymore, he's back to wearing expensive clothes, although somehow, I kind of miss how it was when it was just our little secret. When he was under the radar and he didn't have everyone's eyes on him so much of the time.

"Look, Cait. It's OK. I'm just happy that you're here. And that you're safe."

I glance down at my cup of coffee, and after a second's thought, place it on the counter next to me. "Thanks for this, but I think I'm just going to go get my usual."

"Cait," he starts, sighing my name as he comes after me.

"Nate," I cut him off, holding up both hands to stop him from touching me again. "I want you to know I really appreciate you letting Haley and me stay here."

"You know I'm happy to help."

"Then let's just leave it at that."

"Oh." The way his face falls makes something twist inside me, but I hold firm. I'm in too deep with him as it is, which makes me scared that I won't be able to extricate myself from things if they start falling apart. After everything that's happened, I know I wouldn't be able to handle it if Nate ended up disappointing or betraying me. I'd lose him, my job, my sanity ...

"I ... have to go," I murmur, grabbing my coat. I take off before he can stop me or say another word. Standing in that elevator as it rides downward though, I feel absolutely rotten, and I'm not sure why. I keep trying to remind myself that I'm doing the right thing, but somehow, some part of me doesn't seem to agree.

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