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I can never really relax at an office party. The idea is to have fun, but I can never get it out of my head that these are the people I work with and see every day, and how I wouldn't want them to see what I'm like when I actually do try to have fun.

Having Nate around makes it so much worse. Even though he's across the room, shadowing James like a good pretend assistant, I'm well aware of the looks he keeps giving me. His eyes shift now and then from restless concern to growing desire, making me self-conscious about every movement of my Marilyn Monroe dress, my hands, even when I smile.

"Hey, Nicola, hey Tim," I greet her and her husband, approaching them as soon as I get the chance. "I wish you all the best in L.A."

"Thanks. I'm eyeing a few companies that I think could be turned into something great."

"So, something like what Nate – I mean, James did with us?"

"Yeah. I'll always have a special place in my heart for HowWeMet and all you guys, but it's also nice to go in and be able to see how much potential a business has, and then to help it grow." She laughs for a moment. "I sound like a gardener or something, don't I? Going from garden to garden, moving on once it's in full bloom."

"We're going to miss you."

"Yeah, but not for long. So, hey, don't be sad, OK? If there was anyone around here I was betting to go on to do great things, it's you."

Somehow, I don't believe a word of it, but it makes me smile to hear how much she believes in me. "Thanks."

"Nicola!" someone calls, getting our attention.

We turn our heads, seeing an older Asian woman, dressed like Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, complete with the wig. She's waving her glitter-studded clutch at us, while at her side is a thin, even older man about her age, and a stunning, leggy twenty-ish brunette who must be his daughter.

"Oh, hey, you made it!" Nicola and her husband wave them over, and suddenly, I'm in the middle of a mini-crowd hugging or shaking hands with each other, while everybody else looks on at us.

"Where are the boys?" the woman asks, eyes darting across the restaurant booked specially for tonight's party.

"Over here, Mom," a familiar voice sounds right at my back, making me jump. Nate brushes up beside me, with James next to him.

Mom?! Of course. Of course she's his mother.

I have to get out of there. That's all I care about at this moment. It's all just too much.

Instinctively, I duck my head and try to leave, but I'm stunned by Nate pressing a hand to the small of my back, firmly but gently signaling for me not to go anywhere. Great. Just what does he have in mind? I can only imagine.

"Great party, Nicola. Thanks for inviting us," Nate's mom says graciously.

"Not at all. Uh, I guess you haven't met my husband, have you? Tim, this is Bibi Li, the woman I told you about, her fiance Joe Pirelli, and his daughter Anna."

"And this is Caitlin," Nate pipes up unexpectedly afterward, and for a moment, everyone stares at us. I could smack him for putting me on the spot like that. I have no place in their world – a world of business deals and upper management and just serious wealth all around. "She's the company's best consultant."

"That's right," James puts in, remembering his role. "You know, you could learn a thing or two from her, Anna."

Anna sticks her tongue out at her brother, before turning to me. "I love your dress, by the way."

He's The BossOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant