"Thank you. It's just too bad three other girls here had the same idea."

"Well, don't tell anyone but I think you pull it off best."

"Thanks," I answer, blushing.

"So, you're a consultant? Or I guess I should say, a matchmaker?"

"Pretty much."

"That's really interesting."

"What about you?" I ask slowly, wondering how I got into this conversation with Nate's future stepsister like this.

"Anna's an artist," Nate explains. "We were thinking of hiring her to do some rebranding work."

"Ouch," Nicola says teasingly when she overhears. "At least wait till the body's cold."

Nate does a gentle laugh. "It's very early stages. We love the current branding, but we're exploring ways to make it more inclusive."

"Hey, it's your baby now. Right, James?"

"Right," James answers, doing his best convincing nod.

"Actually, I already have some ideas, and was hoping to show you the designs this week?" Anna says.

"James?" Nate prompts.

"You deal with it, Nate," he answers, downing champagne like there's no tomorrow.

"Are you sure?"

"You can handle the first round and let me know what you think."

"Great!" Anna says, beaming so brightly, you'd think she won the lottery or something.

It hits me then that she's into him – and why wouldn't she be? He's intelligent, good-looking, and assuming she knows the truth about who's really in charge here, she knows just how wealthy he is.

It all just reinforces the fact that I do not belong in this group. I try once again to excuse myself, but Nate's unseen hand clutches me even tighter.

"Would you excuse us for a minute?" Nate says graciously, ushering me away from there to a quiet corner.

He and James decided to dress up as film noir types – long trench coats and fedoras – and I have to admit, it makes him look even sexier than usual.

"What the hell was that all about?" I hiss at him.

"You tell me."

"You know, this is supposed to be a party."

"Yes, I'm aware of that."

"So let me have fun, would you?"

"You don't seem to be having fun."

"Are you kidding? I'm having the time of my life."

Some loud laughter and giggling erupts behind us, and I widen my eyes as Dana, our most daring staff, wraps her arms around James for a quick selfie.

"And I'm not the only one, I see."

"James is going to have a good night. But then again, every night is a good night for him."

"What about you?"


"Don't think you don't have admirers of your own. That girl, Anna keeps looking over here."

"James' sister??" he sounds amused. "No. Impossible."

"Too weird? It's not like you guys are related or anything. And I mean, she seems like a nice girl."

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