Happily ever after.

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Natsu POV

Nashi and I walk into the guild cheerfully. This causes people to stare. After all these years I suppose they are shocked to see me smile.

What is weird though is that they are all crowded around the bar. I look and see they are all surrounding a blonde woman. Lucy. She did come back. This brings a smile to my face.

"Dad who is that?" Nashi says curiously to me.

I look down at her sweet face. "That blondy over there, is your mother" This gets Lucy's attention. Nashi's face begins to fill with tears.

Lucy stands and walks towards us. Before she can even get halfway through, Nashi rushes up to Luce and they hug for a very long time. Tears begin to form in the corner of Lucy's eyes. Not because of sadness but because of pure joy. I join them in the embrace. I mean we are a family.

No ones POV in particular.

The family join together in embrace. They are finally one as a family and now nothing can tear them apart, even if Lucy won't be there all the time.

"Well Hello Nashi" Lucy says pulling away and looking into the child's eyes.

Nashi stares into her mothers eyes. "Mum" Even though Nashi has pink hair and onyx eyes like her father, she is still a spitting image of her mother.

"Now Nashi I'm gonna need you to do something for me, ok?" Nashi continues to stare into Lucy's eyes as she nods her head to her mother. "Since I'm only going to be able to visit for a month a year, I'm gonna need you to look after your father. Now that he is back to your normal self he might start destroying towns and villages again." Lucy lightly giggles and looks over to Natsu who has a guilty look on his face as well as a blush of embarrassment.

"You got it, mum" Nashi says with a big grin, one just like Natsu.

"I've got to go now, but I will be back in a years time." Lucy says as her body begins to fade away.

"And we will be here waiting for you" Says Mira making her way next to Nashi and Natsu.

"Bye everyone, see you soon" With that, Lucy is gone. There is a long but Happy silence.

"Haha come on dad lets go on a mission" Nashi says pulling Natsu towards the request board. "Ill be able to see you fight"

"Sure. Happy?" He says looking for the blue exceed who is sitting on the bar counter. "Do you wanna come too?"

Happy looks towards Natsu with the biggest smile he has ever had. "Natsuuuuuu" He says flying towards Natsu and embraces him, not wanting to let go.

Everyone was filled with joy and from now on, the guild would be back to normal. Natsu and Gray would again have their daily fights.

"Oi ice princess do you wanna go?"

"Bring it on flame brain"

And Erza would always stop them just before they would destroy the guild.

When there were parties, everyone would participate and have fun until they loss consciousness from lack of sleep.

Nashi joined Team Natsu and Fairy Tails strongest team which had gotten back together not long after Natsu's , how to say, re-awakening. Lucy would also go on missions with the teams when she came back for the month a year.

Nashi ended up moving out of Mira's house after a while. Turns out, like father like daughter, they had the same living mannerisms. Dirty and I don't want to clean that up attitude. Of course, the house was somewhat for a month each year.

So in the end Natsu got the hell over himself and they lived happily ever after.

The End


Sneak Peek of next book

"Hello Nashi" Says a dark mysterious voice. "I've been waiting for.

Nashi abruptly awakens from her dream. Chills run through her spine and fear is clearly seen in her eyes.

"Who the hell was that?"


Now for the credits while you imaginarly listen to Snow Fairy by Funkist (First FT opening)

Creator: Shiro_Yuki

Publisher: Shiro_Yuki

Special thanks to: candy-chan081 & Skye_Trancey

Owner of Fairy Tail: Hiro Mashima

Yes minna you read it right. Since there have been so many who have loved This is Nalu and This is Nashi I am going to make another fanfic. This time Nashi is now living on her own and she is in her twenties. She is still in Fairy Tail and still part of Team Natsu. I will put more details in the description of the book when I start to write. Planning to start it with in the next month but not straight away because I want to work on my other fanfic Fairy High Love as I have been a bit behind on the updates.

Have a great day or night minna. Until next time,

Shiro_Yuki out.

Authors note

I have posted number three of this fanfic series. It is called This is Darkness so go check out the summary.

This is Nashi (Second book to the This is Nalu series) (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now