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Lucy POV

"Natsu, I'm hungry" I say pleadingly.

Natsu sits up to look at the clock and then falls back down. "Luce, its midnight. Aren't you meant to be sleeping?" He looks at me with tired eyes and I can't help but feel bad. I can't help being hungry though.

"Natsuuuuuuu, pretty pretty pwease?" I say with puppy dog eyes knowing that Natsu can't resist me when I do it.

"Aw fine. What do you want?" I smile at him and begin to think.

"Ice cream, and lots of it" He shakes his head and makes his way towards the kitchen.

When comes back he passes me a bowl of ice cream and kisses my forehead gently. "You are lucky that I love you" He says chuckling to himself.

"I love you too Natsu" I say before digging into the ice cream. He glances over to me and laughs some more.

Natsu and I have become incredibly close during my pregnancy. We spend a lot of time at home alone since I'm not aloud to go on even the simplest missions, so I'm practically under house arrest. We often end up talking about random things or playing board games. Its never boring though which is the best part.

I have a visible baby bump now. This child is definitely going to ruin my stomach but I think it'll be worth it.

Natsu and I were going through a baby name book but the names that were in there weren't ..... exciting enough. I then had the idea of maybe putting our names together so we did that but we only came up with girl names which is ok but makes things difficult if I'm having a boy. The two names we ended up with were Luna and Nashi. Personally I like Nashi better but Natsu doesn't agree, he thinks the Luna is better but only because my part is at the start of the name.

I don't get very many visits from the other guild members. They say they don't visit that often because I should rest a lot, they'll see me a lot when I give birth anyway, they are busy with missions and they don't want to disturb me and Natsu. All of which aren't very good reasons but I don't bother to argue. It makes me think that something isn't right though. Levy would never leave me be for this long, she is the one that visits most often though. Even if something is up you would think that Levy or even the others would want to hang around me more but I don't investigate it. Too much stress isn't good for the baby.

Mira POV

You can tell the guild will never be the same. Ever since Makarov came back and informed of the horrible news towards Lucy's pregnancy everyone has been so gloomy.


"Hello master" I say as Makarov enters the guild. "We have very exciting news, you missed out on it yesterday while you were at the meeting" The way I say it is a little bit childish but I'm incredibly excited.

Noticing the smile on my face, Makarov begins to be intrigued. "What is this great news I missed out on?" I hand him his usual beer and I lean against the bar before telling him.

"Well while you were gone we found out that Lucy is pregnant with Natsu's child" My smile is very bright while I say this but Masters expression is not as delighted.

"Has Lucy had morning sickness?" He asks abruptly causing me to become concerned. Master is only like this when something is wrong.

"Yes that is how we found out she was pregnant. She came in to get checked by Wendy for illness and Wendy's tests came up positive for pregnancy" The concern doesn't leave his face but it seems to get worse. What could be the matter?

"This isn't good Mira" He says looking at me with a worried look. Thankfully neither Natsu nor Lucy are here otherwise they would be distressed already. "When a male dragon or dragon slayer gets there mate pregnant, the mate needs to be in a certain condition to be able to carry the baby and not have bad side effects. I'm not sure what sort of condition but a great one. If the mate is not in the condition during the mating process and becomes pregnant there is a 50/50 chance of the mate surviving. The first sign of the mate not surviving is morning sickness. It may come across like any normal pregnancy but it isn't."

The whole guild is listening at that moment. None of them able to comprehend what has been said. None of them want to believe what has been said. Sadly if master says that is what is going to happen then it is true.

"No one must say anything about this to Natsu or Lucy otherwise something drastic might happen causing Lucy's condition to get worse. There is still a chance that Lucy could make it through labour. but nothing can be guaranteed at this point" Makarov struggles to keep his composure but I've already lost mine. I'm on the floor crying behind the bar.

Natsu would be absolutely devastated without Lucy and the guild would never be the same. It wouldn't be as cheerful. There would always be some kind of misery. There would always be things to remind us of her. Sure it was hard to finally let go of Lisanna when she died but Lucy is different. Lucy brought brightness to the world when there was only darkness. She would always fight when she knew she couldn't win. Lucy wasn't another guild member, she was family and so much more. Lucy will always be remembered and never forgotten. Nothing would be able to stop us from mourning for the loss of Lucy.

End flashback

Most of the guild was in tears that day. Luckily Natsu and Lucy didn't show because it would have been hard to explain why almost a whole guild was in tears. Those who weren't crying were in pain of the words the Makarov spoke. From that day the guild was never the same.

We found it easier to keep these words from them by telling Lucy she couldn't do job requests and that she should stay at home and rest. This way Natsu would also be with her at every waking moment, not wanting to leave her side. When some were called and asked if they could visit, most would make up lies as to why they couldn't come but some were too pained to stay away and occasionally went to visit for half an hour to an hour, mainly Levy did this.

I couldn't bring myself to go visit. I would end up bursting out in tears and trying to make excuses as to why. They would be bad excuses that both of them would see right though and I would have to tell them the truth. I would tell them the truth, I would break down even more and they would do something they would regret. I can't bring myself to do that. Hell, I'm not strong enough to do that.

??? POV

I'm sorry Mummy. I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to bring sadness to your life. I'm sorry I ruined the Fairy Tail guild. I promise I didn't mean to. Ill make it up to you I promise.

Daddy, please love me.

Daddy, I'm sorry about Mummy.

Daddy, Please don't leave me.

This is Nashi (Second book to the This is Nalu series) (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now